
Function: Renders the Checkout Agree to Terms, this displays a checkbox for users to agree the T&Cs set in the EDD Settings. This is only displayed if T&Cs are set in the EDD Settings.

Source: includes/checkout/template.php:774

Used by 0 functions | Uses 0 functions


Action Hook: No terms agreement output of any kind should ever show unless the checkbox is present for the customer to check: ‘Agree to Terms’ setting.

Source: includes/checkout/template.php:798

Used by 0 functions | Uses 0 functions


Function: Renders the Checkout Agree to Privacy Policy, this displays a checkbox for users to agree the Privacy Policy set in the EDD Settings. This is only displayed if T&Cs are set in the EDD Settings.

Source: includes/checkout/template.php:834

Used by 0 functions | Uses 0 functions


Function: Renders the user registration fields. If the user is logged in, a login form is displayed other a registration form is provided for the user to create an account.

Source: includes/checkout/template.php:468

Used by 0 functions | Uses 0 functions


Function: Gets the login fields for the login form on the checkout. This function hooks on the edd_purchase_form_login_fields to display the login form if a user already had an account.

Source: includes/checkout/template.php:542

Used by 0 functions | Uses 0 functions


Function: Renders the payment mode form by getting all the enabled payment gateways and outputting them as radio buttons for the user to choose the payment gateway. If a default payment gateway has been chosen from the EDD Settings, it will be automatically selected.

Source: includes/checkout/template.php:601

Used by 0 functions | Uses 0 functions