Function: Retrieve an array of banned_emails
Source: includes/checkout/functions.php:259
Function: Retrieve an array of banned_emails
Source: includes/checkout/functions.php:259
Function: Get the URL of the Transaction Failed page
Source: includes/checkout/functions.php:191
Function: Determines if we’re currently on the Failed Transaction page.
Source: includes/checkout/functions.php:207
Function: Mark payments as Failed when returning to the Failed Transaction page
Source: includes/checkout/functions.php:220
Function: Determines if a user can checkout or not
Source: includes/checkout/functions.php:52
Function: Retrieve the Success page URI
Source: includes/checkout/functions.php:64
Function: Determines if we’re currently on the Success page.
Source: includes/checkout/functions.php:83
Function: Send To Success Page
Source: includes/checkout/functions.php:99
Function: Get the URL of the Checkout page
Source: includes/checkout/functions.php:118
Function: Send back to checkout.
Source: includes/checkout/functions.php:167