Function: Grabs all of the selected date info and then redirects appropriately
Source: includes/admin/reporting/graphing.php:951
Function: Grabs all of the selected date info and then redirects appropriately
Source: includes/admin/reporting/graphing.php:951
Function: EDD Reports Refresh Button
Source: includes/admin/reporting/graphing.php:967
Function: EDD trigger the refresh of reports transients
Source: includes/admin/reporting/graphing.php:988
Function: Show report graphs
Source: includes/admin/reporting/graphing.php:21
Function: Show report graphs of a specific product
Source: includes/admin/reporting/graphing.php:413
Function: Show report graph date filters
Source: includes/admin/reporting/graphing.php:668
Function: Sets up the dates used to filter graph data
Source: includes/admin/reporting/graphing.php:771