Method: The constructor for the class. It adds the methods here to the appropriate actions. The actions are for: 1) Creating the custom column set in the llms_review post screen 2) Making a column sortable 3) Adding content to the column 4) Outputting the content.
Source: includes/admin/
Method: This function generates the custom column set. It takes in the array of standard columns, then modifies that set to contain the needed fields.
Source: includes/admin/
Method: This function makes the ‘Course’ column sortable
Source: includes/admin/
Method: This function entered the information into the course section of the llms_review post page. It takes the column that is being worked on, as well as the comment ID, then echoes the content required.
Source: includes/admin/
Method: This function builds the additional content that is added to the course meta box. It builds the additional fields and then returns the updated array of fields
Source: includes/admin/
Filter Hook: This array is what holds the updated fields.
Source: includes/admin/
Method: This function handles the logic to save the information that is contained in the custom metabox. It looks at each of the values, then makes sure that there are proper default values so that the program doesn’t go crashy crashy (nobody likes crashy crashy)
Source: includes/admin/
Class: Admin Reviews class
Source: includes/admin/