Method: Displays a radio button for entering a new payment method (new CC details) instead of using a saved method.
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-payment-gateway.php:518
Method: Displays a radio button for entering a new payment method (new CC details) instead of using a saved method.
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-payment-gateway.php:518
Method: Outputs a checkbox for saving a new payment method to the database.
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-payment-gateway.php:537
Method: Add payment method via account screen. This should be extended by gateway plugins.
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-payment-gateway.php:556
Method: Core credit card form which gateways can use if needed. Deprecated – inherit WC_Payment_Gateway_CC instead.
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-payment-gateway.php:441
Method: Enqueues our tokenization script to handle some of the new form options.
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-payment-gateway.php:454
Method: Grab and display our saved payment methods.
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-payment-gateway.php:477
Method: Gets saved payment method HTML from a token.
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-payment-gateway.php:497
Method: Can the order be refunded via this gateway?
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-payment-gateway.php:431
Method: Process refund.
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-payment-gateway.php:379
Method: Validate frontend fields.
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-payment-gateway.php:390