Method: Load a .mo file for the old textdomain if one exists.
Source: easy-digital-downloads.php:449
Method: Load a .mo file for the old textdomain if one exists.
Source: easy-digital-downloads.php:449
Class: Main Easy_Digital_Downloads Class.
Source: easy-digital-downloads.php:41
Method: Main Easy_Digital_Downloads Instance.
Source: easy-digital-downloads.php:147
Method: Throw error on object clone.
Source: easy-digital-downloads.php:181
Method: Disable unserializing of the class.
Source: easy-digital-downloads.php:193
Method: Setup plugin constants.
Source: easy-digital-downloads.php:205
Method: Include required files.
Source: easy-digital-downloads.php:240
Method: Loads the plugin language files.
Source: easy-digital-downloads.php:368
Function: The main function for that returns Easy_Digital_Downloads
Source: easy-digital-downloads.php:477