Function: Ensure that multiselect boxes have trailing brackets in their ‘id’ and ‘name’ attributes.
Source: bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php:818
Function: Ensure that multiselect boxes have trailing brackets in their ‘id’ and ‘name’ attributes.
Source: bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php:818
Function: Adds a hidden “redirect_to” input field to the sidebar login form.
Source: bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php:733
Function: Display navigation to next/previous pages when applicable
Source: bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php:752
Function: Adds the no-js class to the body tag.
Source: bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php:779
Function: Dynamically removes the no-js class from the
element.Source: bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php:800
Function: Closes tags opened in bp_dtheme_before_comment_form().
Source: bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php:717
Function: Get our wp_nav_menu() fallback, bp_dtheme_main_nav(), to show a home link.
Source: bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php:637
Function: Applies BuddyPress customisations to the post comment form.
Source: bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php:652
Function: Adds the user’s avatar before the comment form box.
Source: bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php:689
Function: Show a notice when the theme is activated – workaround by Ozh (http://old.nabble.com/Activation-hook-exist-for-themes–td25211004.html)
Source: bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php:584