Action Hook: Fires after the last table row on the members notification screen.
Source: bp-members/bp-members-notifications.php:224
Action Hook: Fires after the last table row on the members notification screen.
Source: bp-members/bp-members-notifications.php:224
Function: Notification formatting callback for bp-members notifications.
Source: bp-members/bp-members-notifications.php:30
Filter Hook: Filters the format of members notifications based on type and amount * of notifications pending.
Source: bp-members/bp-members-notifications.php:84
Action Hook: Fires at the end of the bp-members notification format callback.
Source: bp-members/bp-members-notifications.php:105
Function: Notify one use that another user has accepted their site membership invitation.
Source: bp-members/bp-members-notifications.php:119
Function: Mark accepted invitation notifications as read when user visits new user profile.
Source: bp-members/bp-members-notifications.php:158
Function: Add Members-related settings to the Settings > Notifications page.
Source: bp-members/bp-members-notifications.php:181