Function: Add illegal blog names to WP so that root components will not conflict with blog names on a subdirectory installation.
Source: bp-core/deprecated/6.0.php:155
Function: Add illegal blog names to WP so that root components will not conflict with blog names on a subdirectory installation.
Source: bp-core/deprecated/6.0.php:155
Function: Check if the current WordPress version is using Plupload 2.1.1
Source: bp-core/deprecated/6.0.php:24
Function: Return whether the current group in the loop is public.
Source: bp-core/deprecated/6.0.php:143
Function: Output whether the current group in the loop is public.
Source: bp-core/deprecated/6.0.php:129
Function: Output the status of the current group in the loop.
Source: bp-core/deprecated/6.0.php:100
Function: Return the status of the current group in the loop.
Source: bp-core/deprecated/6.0.php:115
Function: Setup the avatar upload directory for a user.
Source: bp-core/deprecated/6.0.php:41
Function: Displays the change cover image page.
Source: bp-core/deprecated/6.0.php:71
Function: Handles the uploading and cropping of a user avatar. Displays the change avatar page.
Source: bp-core/deprecated/6.0.php:83
Function: This function runs when an action is set for a screen: example.com/members/andy/profile/change-avatar/ [delete-avatar]
Source: bp-core/deprecated/6.0.php:59