Function: Fire the ‘bp_allowed_themes’ filter.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-dependency.php:703
Function: Fire the ‘bp_allowed_themes’ filter.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-dependency.php:703
Filter Hook: Filters the allowed themes list for BuddyPress-specific themes.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-dependency.php:712
Function: Fire the ‘bp_generate_rewrite_rules’ action, where BP generates its rewrite rules.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-dependency.php:681
Action Hook: Fires inside the ‘bp_generate_rewrite_rules’ function.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-dependency.php:690
Function: Fire ‘bp_template_include’, main filter used for theme compatibility and displaying custom BP theme files.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-dependency.php:662
Filter Hook: Filters the template to use with template_include.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-dependency.php:671
Filter Hook: Filters the URL to redirect to after login.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-dependency.php:649
Function: Fire the ‘bp_login_redirect’ filter, a piggy-back of WP’s ‘login_redirect’.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-dependency.php:638
Function: Fire the ‘bp_request’ filter, a piggy-back of WP’s ‘request’.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-dependency.php:616
Filter Hook: Filters the query_vars for the current request.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-dependency.php:625