Filter Hook: Filters whether or not to handle uploading.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php:950
Filter Hook: Filters whether or not to handle uploading.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php:950
Action Hook: Fires after deleting an existing avatar.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php:860
Function: Ajax delete an avatar for a given object and item id.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php:873
Function: Delete an existing avatar.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php:760
Filter Hook: Filters whether or not to handle deleting an existing avatar.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php:791
Filter Hook: Filters the avatar default when Gravatar is not used.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php:728
Filter Hook: Filters the Gravatar email to use.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php:652
Filter Hook: Filters whether or not to skip Gravatar check.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php:614
Filter Hook: Filters the Mystery person avatar src value.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php:629
Filter Hook: Filters an avatar URL wrapped in an element.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php:583