Action Hook: Fires after the default successful blog registration message markup.
Source: bp-blogs/bp-blogs-template.php:1313
Action Hook: Fires after the default successful blog registration message markup.
Source: bp-blogs/bp-blogs-template.php:1313
Filter Hook: Filters the default values for Blog meta.
Source: bp-blogs/bp-blogs-template.php:1256
Function: Process a blog registration submission.
Source: bp-blogs/bp-blogs-template.php:1217
Function: Output the input fields for the blog creation form.
Source: bp-blogs/bp-blogs-template.php:1095
Action Hook: Fires at the end of all of the default input fields for blog creation form.
Source: bp-blogs/bp-blogs-template.php:1205
Filter Hook: Filters the default values for Blog name, title, and any current errors.
Source: bp-blogs/bp-blogs-template.php:1012
Action Hook: Fires after the default hidden fields in blog signup form markup.
Source: bp-blogs/bp-blogs-template.php:1053
Function: Output the wrapper markup for the blog signup form.
Source: bp-blogs/bp-blogs-template.php:990
Function: Return the total number of blogs for a given user.
Source: bp-blogs/bp-blogs-template.php:962
Filter Hook: Filters the total number of blogs for a given user.
Source: bp-blogs/bp-blogs-template.php:973