Output tax rate tables.
Description Description
Source Source
File: includes/admin/settings/class-wc-settings-tax.php
public function output_tax_rates() { global $current_section; $current_class = $this->get_current_tax_class(); $countries = array(); foreach ( WC()->countries->get_allowed_countries() as $value => $label ) { $countries[] = array( 'value' => $value, 'label' => esc_js( html_entity_decode( $label ) ), ); } $states = array(); foreach ( WC()->countries->get_allowed_country_states() as $label ) { foreach ( $label as $code => $state ) { $states[] = array( 'value' => $code, 'label' => esc_js( html_entity_decode( $state ) ), ); } } $base_url = admin_url( add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'wc-settings', 'tab' => 'tax', 'section' => $current_section, ), 'admin.php' ) ); // Localize and enqueue our js. wp_localize_script( 'wc-settings-tax', 'htmlSettingsTaxLocalizeScript', array( 'current_class' => $current_class, 'wc_tax_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'wc_tax_nonce-class:' . $current_class ), 'base_url' => $base_url, 'rates' => array_values( WC_Tax::get_rates_for_tax_class( $current_class ) ), 'page' => ! empty( $_GET['p'] ) ? absint( $_GET['p'] ) : 1, 'limit' => 100, 'countries' => $countries, 'states' => $states, 'default_rate' => array( 'tax_rate_id' => 0, 'tax_rate_country' => '', 'tax_rate_state' => '', 'tax_rate' => '', 'tax_rate_name' => '', 'tax_rate_priority' => 1, 'tax_rate_compound' => 0, 'tax_rate_shipping' => 1, 'tax_rate_order' => null, 'tax_rate_class' => $current_class, ), 'strings' => array( 'no_rows_selected' => __( 'No row(s) selected', 'woocommerce' ), 'unload_confirmation_msg' => __( 'Your changed data will be lost if you leave this page without saving.', 'woocommerce' ), 'csv_data_cols' => array( __( 'Country code', 'woocommerce' ), __( 'State code', 'woocommerce' ), __( 'Postcode / ZIP', 'woocommerce' ), __( 'City', 'woocommerce' ), __( 'Rate %', 'woocommerce' ), __( 'Tax name', 'woocommerce' ), __( 'Priority', 'woocommerce' ), __( 'Compound', 'woocommerce' ), __( 'Shipping', 'woocommerce' ), __( 'Tax class', 'woocommerce' ), ), ), ) ); wp_enqueue_script( 'wc-settings-tax' ); include 'views/html-settings-tax.php'; }