WC_Products_Tracking::track_product_updated_client_side( WP_Post $post )
Track the Update button being clicked on the client side.
Description Description
This is needed because track_product_updated
(using the edit_post
hook) is called in response to a number of other triggers.
Parameters Parameters
- $post
(Required) The post, not used.
Source Source
File: includes/tracks/events/class-wc-products-tracking.php
public function track_product_updated_client_side( $post ) { wc_enqueue_js( " if ( $( 'h1.wp-heading-inline' ).text().trim() === '" . __( 'Edit product', 'woocommerce' ) . "') { var initialStockValue = $( '#_stock' ).val(); var hasRecordedEvent = false; $( '#publish' ).click( function() { if ( hasRecordedEvent ) { return; } var currentStockValue = $( '#_stock' ).val(); var properties = { product_type: $( '#product-type' ).val(), is_virtual: $( '#_virtual' ).is( ':checked' ) ? 'Y' : 'N', is_downloadable: $( '#_downloadable' ).is( ':checked' ) ? 'Y' : 'N', manage_stock: $( '#_manage_stock' ).is( ':checked' ) ? 'Y' : 'N', stock_quantity_update: ( initialStockValue != currentStockValue ) ? 'Y' : 'N', }; window.wcTracks.recordEvent( 'product_update', properties ); hasRecordedEvent = true; } ); } " ); }