WC_Product_Importer::set_product_data( WC_Product $product, array $data )
Set product data.
Description Description
Parameters Parameters
- $product
(Required) Product instance.
- $data
(Required) Item data.
Source Source
File: includes/import/abstract-wc-product-importer.php
protected function set_product_data( &$product, $data ) { if ( isset( $data['raw_attributes'] ) ) { $attributes = array(); $default_attributes = array(); $existing_attributes = $product->get_attributes(); foreach ( $data['raw_attributes'] as $position => $attribute ) { $attribute_id = 0; // Get ID if is a global attribute. if ( ! empty( $attribute['taxonomy'] ) ) { $attribute_id = $this->get_attribute_taxonomy_id( $attribute['name'] ); } // Set attribute visibility. if ( isset( $attribute['visible'] ) ) { $is_visible = $attribute['visible']; } else { $is_visible = 1; } // Get name. $attribute_name = $attribute_id ? wc_attribute_taxonomy_name_by_id( $attribute_id ) : $attribute['name']; // Set if is a variation attribute based on existing attributes if possible so updates via CSV do not change this. $is_variation = 0; if ( $existing_attributes ) { foreach ( $existing_attributes as $existing_attribute ) { if ( $existing_attribute->get_name() === $attribute_name ) { $is_variation = $existing_attribute->get_variation(); break; } } } if ( $attribute_id ) { if ( isset( $attribute['value'] ) ) { $options = array_map( 'wc_sanitize_term_text_based', $attribute['value'] ); $options = array_filter( $options, 'strlen' ); } else { $options = array(); } // Check for default attributes and set "is_variation". if ( ! empty( $attribute['default'] ) && in_array( $attribute['default'], $options, true ) ) { $default_term = get_term_by( 'name', $attribute['default'], $attribute_name ); if ( $default_term && ! is_wp_error( $default_term ) ) { $default = $default_term->slug; } else { $default = sanitize_title( $attribute['default'] ); } $default_attributes[ $attribute_name ] = $default; $is_variation = 1; } if ( ! empty( $options ) ) { $attribute_object = new WC_Product_Attribute(); $attribute_object->set_id( $attribute_id ); $attribute_object->set_name( $attribute_name ); $attribute_object->set_options( $options ); $attribute_object->set_position( $position ); $attribute_object->set_visible( $is_visible ); $attribute_object->set_variation( $is_variation ); $attributes[] = $attribute_object; } } elseif ( isset( $attribute['value'] ) ) { // Check for default attributes and set "is_variation". if ( ! empty( $attribute['default'] ) && in_array( $attribute['default'], $attribute['value'], true ) ) { $default_attributes[ sanitize_title( $attribute['name'] ) ] = $attribute['default']; $is_variation = 1; } $attribute_object = new WC_Product_Attribute(); $attribute_object->set_name( $attribute['name'] ); $attribute_object->set_options( $attribute['value'] ); $attribute_object->set_position( $position ); $attribute_object->set_visible( $is_visible ); $attribute_object->set_variation( $is_variation ); $attributes[] = $attribute_object; } } $product->set_attributes( $attributes ); // Set variable default attributes. if ( $product->is_type( 'variable' ) ) { $product->set_default_attributes( $default_attributes ); } } }