Read file.
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File: includes/import/class-wc-product-csv-importer.php
protected function read_file() { if ( ! WC_Product_CSV_Importer_Controller::is_file_valid_csv( $this->file ) ) { wp_die( esc_html__( 'Invalid file type. The importer supports CSV and TXT file formats.', 'woocommerce' ) ); } $handle = fopen( $this->file, 'r' ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine. if ( false !== $handle ) { $this->raw_keys = version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '>=' ) ? array_map( 'trim', fgetcsv( $handle, 0, $this->params['delimiter'], $this->params['enclosure'], $this->params['escape'] ) ) : array_map( 'trim', fgetcsv( $handle, 0, $this->params['delimiter'], $this->params['enclosure'] ) ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine // Remove BOM signature from the first item. if ( isset( $this->raw_keys[0] ) ) { $this->raw_keys[0] = $this->remove_utf8_bom( $this->raw_keys[0] ); } if ( 0 !== $this->params['start_pos'] ) { fseek( $handle, (int) $this->params['start_pos'] ); } while ( 1 ) { $row = version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '>=' ) ? fgetcsv( $handle, 0, $this->params['delimiter'], $this->params['enclosure'], $this->params['escape'] ) : fgetcsv( $handle, 0, $this->params['delimiter'], $this->params['enclosure'] ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine if ( false !== $row ) { $this->raw_data[] = $row; $this->file_positions[ count( $this->raw_data ) ] = ftell( $handle ); if ( ( $this->params['end_pos'] > 0 && ftell( $handle ) >= $this->params['end_pos'] ) || 0 === --$this->params['lines'] ) { break; } } else { break; } } $this->file_position = ftell( $handle ); } if ( ! empty( $this->params['mapping'] ) ) { $this->set_mapped_keys(); } if ( $this->params['parse'] ) { $this->set_parsed_data(); } }