Process importer.
Description Description
Do not import products with IDs or SKUs that already exist if option update existing is false, and likewise, if updating products, do not process rows which do not exist if an ID/SKU is provided.
Return Return
Source Source
File: includes/import/class-wc-product-csv-importer.php
public function import() { $this->start_time = time(); $index = 0; $update_existing = $this->params['update_existing']; $data = array( 'imported' => array(), 'failed' => array(), 'updated' => array(), 'skipped' => array(), ); foreach ( $this->parsed_data as $parsed_data_key => $parsed_data ) { do_action( 'woocommerce_product_import_before_import', $parsed_data ); $id = isset( $parsed_data['id'] ) ? absint( $parsed_data['id'] ) : 0; $sku = isset( $parsed_data['sku'] ) ? $parsed_data['sku'] : ''; $id_exists = false; $sku_exists = false; if ( $id ) { $product = wc_get_product( $id ); $id_exists = $product && 'importing' !== $product->get_status(); } if ( $sku ) { $id_from_sku = wc_get_product_id_by_sku( $sku ); $product = $id_from_sku ? wc_get_product( $id_from_sku ) : false; $sku_exists = $product && 'importing' !== $product->get_status(); } if ( $id_exists && ! $update_existing ) { $data['skipped'][] = new WP_Error( 'woocommerce_product_importer_error', esc_html__( 'A product with this ID already exists.', 'woocommerce' ), array( 'id' => $id, 'row' => $this->get_row_id( $parsed_data ), ) ); continue; } if ( $sku_exists && ! $update_existing ) { $data['skipped'][] = new WP_Error( 'woocommerce_product_importer_error', esc_html__( 'A product with this SKU already exists.', 'woocommerce' ), array( 'sku' => esc_attr( $sku ), 'row' => $this->get_row_id( $parsed_data ), ) ); continue; } if ( $update_existing && ( isset( $parsed_data['id'] ) || isset( $parsed_data['sku'] ) ) && ! $id_exists && ! $sku_exists ) { $data['skipped'][] = new WP_Error( 'woocommerce_product_importer_error', esc_html__( 'No matching product exists to update.', 'woocommerce' ), array( 'id' => $id, 'sku' => esc_attr( $sku ), 'row' => $this->get_row_id( $parsed_data ), ) ); continue; } $result = $this->process_item( $parsed_data ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $result->add_data( array( 'row' => $this->get_row_id( $parsed_data ) ) ); $data['failed'][] = $result; } elseif ( $result['updated'] ) { $data['updated'][] = $result['id']; } else { $data['imported'][] = $result['id']; } $index ++; if ( $this->params['prevent_timeouts'] && ( $this->time_exceeded() || $this->memory_exceeded() ) ) { $this->file_position = $this->file_positions[ $index ]; break; } } return $data; }