WC_Product::set_downloads( array $downloads_array )

Set downloads.

Description Description

Parameters Parameters


(Required) Array of WC_Product_Download objects or arrays.

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Source Source

File: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-product.php

	public function set_downloads( $downloads_array ) {
		$downloads = array();
		$errors    = array();

		foreach ( $downloads_array as $download ) {
			if ( is_a( $download, 'WC_Product_Download' ) ) {
				$download_object = $download;
			} else {
				$download_object = new WC_Product_Download();

				// If we don't have a previous hash, generate UUID for download.
				if ( empty( $download['download_id'] ) ) {
					$download['download_id'] = wp_generate_uuid4();

				$download_object->set_id( $download['download_id'] );
				$download_object->set_name( $download['name'] );
				$download_object->set_file( $download['file'] );

			// Validate the file extension.
			if ( ! $download_object->is_allowed_filetype() ) {
				if ( $this->get_object_read() ) {
					/* translators: %1$s: Downloadable file */
					$errors[] = sprintf( __( 'The downloadable file %1$s cannot be used as it does not have an allowed file type. Allowed types include: %2$s', 'woocommerce' ), '<code>' . basename( $download_object->get_file() ) . '</code>', '<code>' . implode( ', ', array_keys( $download_object->get_allowed_mime_types() ) ) . '</code>' );

			// Validate the file exists.
			if ( ! $download_object->file_exists() ) {
				if ( $this->get_object_read() ) {
					/* translators: %s: Downloadable file */
					$errors[] = sprintf( __( 'The downloadable file %s cannot be used as it does not exist on the server.', 'woocommerce' ), '<code>' . $download_object->get_file() . '</code>' );

			$downloads[ $download_object->get_id() ] = $download_object;

		if ( $errors ) {
			$this->error( 'product_invalid_download', $errors[0] );

		$this->set_prop( 'downloads', $downloads );

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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
3.0.0 Introduced.

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