Pull suggestion data from options. This is retrieved from a remote endpoint.
Description Description
Return Return
(array) of json API data
Source Source
File: includes/admin/marketplace-suggestions/class-wc-marketplace-suggestions.php
public static function get_suggestions_api_data() { $data = get_option( 'woocommerce_marketplace_suggestions', array() ); // If the options have never been updated, or were updated over a week ago, queue update. if ( empty( $data['updated'] ) || ( time() - WEEK_IN_SECONDS ) > $data['updated'] ) { $next = WC()->queue()->get_next( 'woocommerce_update_marketplace_suggestions' ); if ( ! $next ) { WC()->queue()->cancel_all( 'woocommerce_update_marketplace_suggestions' ); WC()->queue()->schedule_single( time(), 'woocommerce_update_marketplace_suggestions' ); } } return ! empty( $data['suggestions'] ) ? $data['suggestions'] : array(); }