WC_Logger::__construct( array $handlers = null, string $threshold = null )
Constructor for the logger.
Description Description
Parameters Parameters
- $handlers
(Optional) Array of log handlers. If $handlers is not provided, the filter 'woocommerce_register_log_handlers' will be used to define the handlers. If $handlers is provided, the filter will not be applied and the handlers will be used directly.
Default value: null
- $threshold
(Optional) Define an explicit threshold. May be configured via WC_LOG_THRESHOLD. By default, all logs will be processed.
Default value: null
Source Source
File: includes/class-wc-logger.php
public function __construct( $handlers = null, $threshold = null ) { if ( null === $handlers ) { $handlers = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_register_log_handlers', array() ); } $register_handlers = array(); if ( ! empty( $handlers ) && is_array( $handlers ) ) { foreach ( $handlers as $handler ) { $implements = class_implements( $handler ); if ( is_object( $handler ) && is_array( $implements ) && in_array( 'WC_Log_Handler_Interface', $implements, true ) ) { $register_handlers[] = $handler; } else { wc_doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, sprintf( /* translators: 1: class name 2: WC_Log_Handler_Interface */ __( 'The provided handler %1$s does not implement %2$s.', 'woocommerce' ), '<code>' . esc_html( is_object( $handler ) ? get_class( $handler ) : $handler ) . '</code>', '<code>WC_Log_Handler_Interface</code>' ), '3.0' ); } } } // Support the constant as long as a valid log level has been set for it. if ( null === $threshold ) { $threshold = Constants::get_constant( 'WC_LOG_THRESHOLD' ); if ( null !== $threshold && ! WC_Log_Levels::is_valid_level( $threshold ) ) { $threshold = null; } } if ( null !== $threshold ) { $threshold = WC_Log_Levels::get_level_severity( $threshold ); } $this->handlers = $register_handlers; $this->threshold = $threshold; }