WC_Helper::activated_plugin( string $filename )
Runs when any plugin is activated.
Description Description
Depending on the activated plugin attempts to look through available subscriptions and auto-activate one if possible, so the user does not need to visit the Helper UI at all after installing a new extension.
Parameters Parameters
- $filename
(Required) The filename of the activated plugin.
Source Source
File: includes/admin/helper/class-wc-helper.php
public static function activated_plugin( $filename ) { $plugins = self::get_local_woo_plugins(); // Not a local woo plugin. if ( empty( $plugins[ $filename ] ) ) { return; } // Make sure we have a connection. $auth = WC_Helper_Options::get( 'auth' ); if ( empty( $auth ) ) { return; } $plugin = $plugins[ $filename ]; $product_id = $plugin['_product_id']; $subscriptions = self::_get_subscriptions_from_product_id( $product_id, false ); // No valid subscriptions for this product. if ( empty( $subscriptions ) ) { return; } $subscription = null; foreach ( $subscriptions as $_sub ) { // Don't attempt to activate expired subscriptions. if ( $_sub['expired'] ) { continue; } // No more sites available in this subscription. if ( $_sub['sites_max'] && $_sub['sites_active'] >= $_sub['sites_max'] ) { continue; } // Looks good. $subscription = $_sub; break; } // No valid subscription found. if ( ! $subscription ) { return; } $product_key = $subscription['product_key']; $activation_response = WC_Helper_API::post( 'activate', array( 'authenticated' => true, 'body' => wp_json_encode( array( 'product_key' => $product_key, ) ), ) ); $activated = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $activation_response ) === 200; $body = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $activation_response ), true ); if ( ! $activated && ! empty( $body['code'] ) && 'already_connected' === $body['code'] ) { $activated = true; } if ( $activated ) { self::log( 'Auto-activated a subscription for ' . $filename ); /** * Fires when the Helper activates a product successfully. * * @param int $product_id Product ID being activated. * @param string $product_key Subscription product key. * @param array $activation_response The response object from wp_safe_remote_request(). */ do_action( 'woocommerce_helper_subscription_activate_success', $product_id, $product_key, $activation_response ); } else { self::log( 'Could not activate a subscription upon plugin activation: ' . $filename ); /** * Fires when the Helper fails to activate a product. * * @param int $product_id Product ID being activated. * @param string $product_key Subscription product key. * @param array $activation_response The response object from wp_safe_remote_request(). */ do_action( 'woocommerce_helper_subscription_activate_error', $product_id, $product_key, $activation_response ); } self::_flush_subscriptions_cache(); self::_flush_updates_cache(); }