
Get styles for the frontend.

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File: includes/class-wc-frontend-scripts.php

	public static function get_styles() {
		$version = Constants::get_constant( 'WC_VERSION' );

		return apply_filters(
				'woocommerce-layout'      => array(
					'src'     => self::get_asset_url( 'assets/css/woocommerce-layout.css' ),
					'deps'    => '',
					'version' => $version,
					'media'   => 'all',
					'has_rtl' => true,
				'woocommerce-smallscreen' => array(
					'src'     => self::get_asset_url( 'assets/css/woocommerce-smallscreen.css' ),
					'deps'    => 'woocommerce-layout',
					'version' => $version,
					'media'   => 'only screen and (max-width: ' . apply_filters( 'woocommerce_style_smallscreen_breakpoint', '768px' ) . ')',
					'has_rtl' => true,
				'woocommerce-general'     => array(
					'src'     => self::get_asset_url( 'assets/css/woocommerce.css' ),
					'deps'    => '',
					'version' => $version,
					'media'   => 'all',
					'has_rtl' => true,

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