WC_Cart_Fees::add_fee( array $args = array() )
Add a fee. Fee IDs must be unique.
Description Description
Parameters Parameters
- $args
(Optional) Array of fee properties.
Default value: array()
Return Return
(object) Either a fee object if added, or a WP_Error if it failed.
Source Source
File: includes/class-wc-cart-fees.php
public function add_fee( $args = array() ) { $fee_props = (object) wp_parse_args( $args, $this->default_fee_props ); $fee_props->name = $fee_props->name ? $fee_props->name : __( 'Fee', 'woocommerce' ); $fee_props->tax_class = in_array( $fee_props->tax_class, array_merge( WC_Tax::get_tax_classes(), WC_Tax::get_tax_class_slugs() ), true ) ? $fee_props->tax_class : ''; $fee_props->taxable = wc_string_to_bool( $fee_props->taxable ); $fee_props->amount = wc_format_decimal( $fee_props->amount ); if ( empty( $fee_props->id ) ) { $fee_props->id = $this->generate_id( $fee_props ); } if ( array_key_exists( $fee_props->id, $this->fees ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'fee_exists', __( 'Fee has already been added.', 'woocommerce' ) ); } $this->fees[ $fee_props->id ] = $fee_props; return $this->fees[ $fee_props->id ]; }
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
3.2.0 | Introduced. |