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File: includes/legacy/api/v2/class-wc-api-authentication.php

class WC_API_Authentication {

	 * Setup class
	 * @since 2.1
	public function __construct() {

		// To disable authentication, hook into this filter at a later priority and return a valid WP_User
		add_filter( 'woocommerce_api_check_authentication', array( $this, 'authenticate' ), 0 );

	 * Authenticate the request. The authentication method varies based on whether the request was made over SSL or not.
	 * @since 2.1
	 * @param WP_User $user
	 * @return null|WP_Error|WP_User
	public function authenticate( $user ) {

		// Allow access to the index by default
		if ( '/' === WC()->api->server->path ) {
			return new WP_User( 0 );

		try {

			if ( is_ssl() ) {
				$keys = $this->perform_ssl_authentication();
			} else {
				$keys = $this->perform_oauth_authentication();

			// Check API key-specific permission
			$this->check_api_key_permissions( $keys['permissions'] );

			$user = $this->get_user_by_id( $keys['user_id'] );

			$this->update_api_key_last_access( $keys['key_id'] );

		} catch ( Exception $e ) {
			$user = new WP_Error( 'woocommerce_api_authentication_error', $e->getMessage(), array( 'status' => $e->getCode() ) );

		return $user;

	 * SSL-encrypted requests are not subject to sniffing or man-in-the-middle
	 * attacks, so the request can be authenticated by simply looking up the user
	 * associated with the given consumer key and confirming the consumer secret
	 * provided is valid
	 * @since 2.1
	 * @return array
	 * @throws Exception
	private function perform_ssl_authentication() {

		$params = WC()->api->server->params['GET'];

		// Get consumer key
		if ( ! empty( $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] ) ) {

			// Should be in HTTP Auth header by default
			$consumer_key = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];

		} elseif ( ! empty( $params['consumer_key'] ) ) {

			// Allow a query string parameter as a fallback
			$consumer_key = $params['consumer_key'];

		} else {

			throw new Exception( __( 'Consumer key is missing.', 'woocommerce' ), 404 );

		// Get consumer secret
		if ( ! empty( $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] ) ) {

			// Should be in HTTP Auth header by default
			$consumer_secret = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'];

		} elseif ( ! empty( $params['consumer_secret'] ) ) {

			// Allow a query string parameter as a fallback
			$consumer_secret = $params['consumer_secret'];

		} else {

			throw new Exception( __( 'Consumer secret is missing.', 'woocommerce' ), 404 );

		$keys = $this->get_keys_by_consumer_key( $consumer_key );

		if ( ! $this->is_consumer_secret_valid( $keys['consumer_secret'], $consumer_secret ) ) {
			throw new Exception( __( 'Consumer secret is invalid.', 'woocommerce' ), 401 );

		return $keys;

	 * Perform OAuth 1.0a "one-legged" (http://oauthbible.com/#oauth-10a-one-legged) authentication for non-SSL requests
	 * This is required so API credentials cannot be sniffed or intercepted when making API requests over plain HTTP
	 * This follows the spec for simple OAuth 1.0a authentication (RFC 5849) as closely as possible, with two exceptions:
	 * 1) There is no token associated with request/responses, only consumer keys/secrets are used
	 * 2) The OAuth parameters are included as part of the request query string instead of part of the Authorization header,
	 *    This is because there is no cross-OS function within PHP to get the raw Authorization header
	 * @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849 for the full spec
	 * @since 2.1
	 * @return array
	 * @throws Exception
	private function perform_oauth_authentication() {

		$params = WC()->api->server->params['GET'];

		$param_names = array( 'oauth_consumer_key', 'oauth_timestamp', 'oauth_nonce', 'oauth_signature', 'oauth_signature_method' );

		// Check for required OAuth parameters
		foreach ( $param_names as $param_name ) {

			if ( empty( $params[ $param_name ] ) ) {
				throw new Exception( sprintf( __( '%s parameter is missing', 'woocommerce' ), $param_name ), 404 );

		// Fetch WP user by consumer key
		$keys = $this->get_keys_by_consumer_key( $params['oauth_consumer_key'] );

		// Perform OAuth validation
		$this->check_oauth_signature( $keys, $params );
		$this->check_oauth_timestamp_and_nonce( $keys, $params['oauth_timestamp'], $params['oauth_nonce'] );

		// Authentication successful, return user
		return $keys;

	 * Return the keys for the given consumer key
	 * @since 2.4.0
	 * @param string $consumer_key
	 * @return array
	 * @throws Exception
	private function get_keys_by_consumer_key( $consumer_key ) {
		global $wpdb;

		$consumer_key = wc_api_hash( sanitize_text_field( $consumer_key ) );

		$keys = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "
			SELECT key_id, user_id, permissions, consumer_key, consumer_secret, nonces
			FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_api_keys
			WHERE consumer_key = '%s'
		", $consumer_key ), ARRAY_A );

		if ( empty( $keys ) ) {
			throw new Exception( __( 'Consumer key is invalid.', 'woocommerce' ), 401 );

		return $keys;

	 * Get user by ID
	 * @since  2.4.0
	 * @param  int $user_id
	 * @return WP_User
	 * @throws Exception
	private function get_user_by_id( $user_id ) {
		$user = get_user_by( 'id', $user_id );

		if ( ! $user ) {
			throw new Exception( __( 'API user is invalid', 'woocommerce' ), 401 );

		return $user;

	 * Check if the consumer secret provided for the given user is valid
	 * @since 2.1
	 * @param string $keys_consumer_secret
	 * @param string $consumer_secret
	 * @return bool
	private function is_consumer_secret_valid( $keys_consumer_secret, $consumer_secret ) {
		return hash_equals( $keys_consumer_secret, $consumer_secret );

	 * Verify that the consumer-provided request signature matches our generated signature, this ensures the consumer
	 * has a valid key/secret
	 * @param array $keys
	 * @param array $params the request parameters
	 * @throws Exception
	private function check_oauth_signature( $keys, $params ) {

		$http_method = strtoupper( WC()->api->server->method );

		$base_request_uri = rawurlencode( untrailingslashit( get_woocommerce_api_url( '' ) ) . WC()->api->server->path );

		// Get the signature provided by the consumer and remove it from the parameters prior to checking the signature
		$consumer_signature = rawurldecode( str_replace( ' ', '+', $params['oauth_signature'] ) );
		unset( $params['oauth_signature'] );

		// Remove filters and convert them from array to strings to void normalize issues
		if ( isset( $params['filter'] ) ) {
			$filters = $params['filter'];
			unset( $params['filter'] );
			foreach ( $filters as $filter => $filter_value ) {
				$params[ 'filter[' . $filter . ']' ] = $filter_value;

		// Normalize parameter key/values
		$params = $this->normalize_parameters( $params );

		// Sort parameters
		if ( ! uksort( $params, 'strcmp' ) ) {
			throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid signature - failed to sort parameters.', 'woocommerce' ), 401 );

		// Form query string
		$query_params = array();
		foreach ( $params as $param_key => $param_value ) {

			$query_params[] = $param_key . '%3D' . $param_value; // join with equals sign
		$query_string = implode( '%26', $query_params ); // join with ampersand

		$string_to_sign = $http_method . '&' . $base_request_uri . '&' . $query_string;

		if ( 'HMAC-SHA1' !== $params['oauth_signature_method'] && 'HMAC-SHA256' !== $params['oauth_signature_method'] ) {
			throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid signature - signature method is invalid.', 'woocommerce' ), 401 );

		$hash_algorithm = strtolower( str_replace( 'HMAC-', '', $params['oauth_signature_method'] ) );

		$signature = base64_encode( hash_hmac( $hash_algorithm, $string_to_sign, $keys['consumer_secret'], true ) );

		if ( ! hash_equals( $signature, $consumer_signature ) ) {
			throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid signature - provided signature does not match.', 'woocommerce' ), 401 );

	 * Normalize each parameter by assuming each parameter may have already been
	 * encoded, so attempt to decode, and then re-encode according to RFC 3986
	 * Note both the key and value is normalized so a filter param like:
	 * 'filter[period]' => 'week'
	 * is encoded to:
	 * 'filter%5Bperiod%5D' => 'week'
	 * This conforms to the OAuth 1.0a spec which indicates the entire query string
	 * should be URL encoded
	 * @since 2.1
	 * @see rawurlencode()
	 * @param array $parameters un-normalized parameters
	 * @return array normalized parameters
	private function normalize_parameters( $parameters ) {

		$normalized_parameters = array();

		foreach ( $parameters as $key => $value ) {

			// Percent symbols (%) must be double-encoded
			$key   = str_replace( '%', '%25', rawurlencode( rawurldecode( $key ) ) );
			$value = str_replace( '%', '%25', rawurlencode( rawurldecode( $value ) ) );

			$normalized_parameters[ $key ] = $value;

		return $normalized_parameters;

	 * Verify that the timestamp and nonce provided with the request are valid. This prevents replay attacks where
	 * an attacker could attempt to re-send an intercepted request at a later time.
	 * - A timestamp is valid if it is within 15 minutes of now
	 * - A nonce is valid if it has not been used within the last 15 minutes
	 * @param array $keys
	 * @param int $timestamp the unix timestamp for when the request was made
	 * @param string $nonce a unique (for the given user) 32 alphanumeric string, consumer-generated
	 * @throws Exception
	private function check_oauth_timestamp_and_nonce( $keys, $timestamp, $nonce ) {
		global $wpdb;

		$valid_window = 15 * 60; // 15 minute window

		if ( ( $timestamp < time() - $valid_window ) || ( $timestamp > time() + $valid_window ) ) {
			throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid timestamp.', 'woocommerce' ), 401 );

		$used_nonces = maybe_unserialize( $keys['nonces'] );

		if ( empty( $used_nonces ) ) {
			$used_nonces = array();

		if ( in_array( $nonce, $used_nonces ) ) {
			throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid nonce - nonce has already been used.', 'woocommerce' ), 401 );

		$used_nonces[ $timestamp ] = $nonce;

		// Remove expired nonces
		foreach ( $used_nonces as $nonce_timestamp => $nonce ) {
			if ( $nonce_timestamp < ( time() - $valid_window ) ) {
				unset( $used_nonces[ $nonce_timestamp ] );

		$used_nonces = maybe_serialize( $used_nonces );

			$wpdb->prefix . 'woocommerce_api_keys',
			array( 'nonces' => $used_nonces ),
			array( 'key_id' => $keys['key_id'] ),
			array( '%s' ),
			array( '%d' )

	 * Check that the API keys provided have the proper key-specific permissions to either read or write API resources
	 * @param string $key_permissions
	 * @throws Exception if the permission check fails
	public function check_api_key_permissions( $key_permissions ) {
		switch ( WC()->api->server->method ) {

			case 'HEAD':
			case 'GET':
				if ( 'read' !== $key_permissions && 'read_write' !== $key_permissions ) {
					throw new Exception( __( 'The API key provided does not have read permissions.', 'woocommerce' ), 401 );

			case 'POST':
			case 'PUT':
			case 'PATCH':
			case 'DELETE':
				if ( 'write' !== $key_permissions && 'read_write' !== $key_permissions ) {
					throw new Exception( __( 'The API key provided does not have write permissions.', 'woocommerce' ), 401 );

	 * Updated API Key last access datetime
	 * @since 2.4.0
	 * @param int $key_id
	private function update_api_key_last_access( $key_id ) {
		global $wpdb;

			$wpdb->prefix . 'woocommerce_api_keys',
			array( 'last_access' => current_time( 'mysql' ) ),
			array( 'key_id' => $key_id ),
			array( '%s' ),
			array( '%d' )

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Methods Methods

  • __construct — Setup class
  • authenticate — Authenticate the request. The authentication method varies based on whether the request was made over SSL or not.
  • check_api_key_permissions — Check that the API keys provided have the proper key-specific permissions to either read or write API resources
  • check_oauth_signature — Verify that the consumer-provided request signature matches our generated signature, this ensures the consumer has a valid key/secret
  • check_oauth_timestamp_and_nonce — Verify that the timestamp and nonce provided with the request are valid. This prevents replay attacks where an attacker could attempt to re-send an intercepted request at a later time.
  • exit_with_unauthorized_headers — If the consumer_key and consumer_secret $_GET parameters are NOT provided and the Basic auth headers are either not present or the consumer secret does not match the consumer key provided, then return the correct Basic headers and an error message.
  • get_keys_by_consumer_key — Return the keys for the given consumer key
  • get_user_by_id — Get user by ID
  • is_consumer_secret_valid — Check if the consumer secret provided for the given user is valid
  • normalize_parameters — Normalize each parameter by assuming each parameter may have already been encoded, so attempt to decode, and then re-encode according to RFC 3986
  • perform_oauth_authentication — Perform OAuth 1.0a "one-legged" (http://oauthbible.com/#oauth-10a-one-legged) authentication for non-SSL requests
  • perform_ssl_authentication — SSL-encrypted requests are not subject to sniffing or man-in-the-middle attacks, so the request can be authenticated by simply looking up the user associated with the given consumer key and confirming the consumer secret provided is valid
  • update_api_key_last_access — Updated API Key last access datetime
  • urlencode_rfc3986 — Encodes a value according to RFC 3986. Supports multidimensional arrays.

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