
Mark an order with a status.

Description Description

Source Source

File: includes/class-wc-ajax.php

	public static function mark_order_status() {
		if ( current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) && check_admin_referer( 'woocommerce-mark-order-status' ) && isset( $_GET['status'], $_GET['order_id'] ) ) {
			$status = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_GET['status'] ) );
			$order  = wc_get_order( absint( wp_unslash( $_GET['order_id'] ) ) );

			if ( wc_is_order_status( 'wc-' . $status ) && $order ) {
				// Initialize payment gateways in case order has hooked status transition actions.

				$order->update_status( $status, '', true );
				do_action( 'woocommerce_order_edit_status', $order->get_id(), $status );

		wp_safe_redirect( wp_get_referer() ? wp_get_referer() : admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=shop_order' ) );

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