Alert: This function’s access is marked private. This means it is not intended for use by plugin or theme developers, only in other core functions. It is listed here for completeness.


Table list output.

Description Description

Source Source

File: includes/admin/class-wc-admin-api-keys.php

	private static function table_list_output() {
		global $wpdb, $keys_table_list;

		echo '<h2 class="wc-table-list-header">' . esc_html__( 'REST API', 'woocommerce' ) . ' <a href="' . esc_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=advanced&section=keys&create-key=1' ) ) . '" class="add-new-h2">' . esc_html__( 'Add key', 'woocommerce' ) . '</a></h2>';

		// Get the API keys count.
		$count = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(key_id) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_api_keys WHERE 1 = 1;" );

		if ( absint( $count ) && $count > 0 ) {

			echo '<input type="hidden" name="page" value="wc-settings" />';
			echo '<input type="hidden" name="tab" value="advanced" />';
			echo '<input type="hidden" name="section" value="keys" />';

			$keys_table_list->search_box( __( 'Search key', 'woocommerce' ), 'key' );
		} else {
			echo '<div class="woocommerce-BlankState woocommerce-BlankState--api">';
			<h2 class="woocommerce-BlankState-message"><?php esc_html_e( 'The WooCommerce REST API allows external apps to view and manage store data. Access is granted only to those with valid API keys.', 'woocommerce' ); ?></h2>
			<a class="woocommerce-BlankState-cta button-primary button" href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=advanced&section=keys&create-key=1' ) ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Create an API key', 'woocommerce' ); ?></a>
			<style type="text/css">#posts-filter .wp-list-table, #posts-filter, .tablenav.bottom .actions { display: none; }</style>

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