Description Description
Source Source
File: includes/lib/tcpdf/include/tcpdf_fonts.php
Methods Methods
- _getfontpath — Return fonts path
- _getTrueTypeFontSubset — Returns a subset of the TrueType font data without the unused glyphs.
- _getTTFtableChecksum — Returs the checksum of a TTF table.
- _putfontwidths — Outputs font widths
- addTTFfont — Convert and add the selected TrueType or Type1 font to the fonts folder (that must be writeable).
- arrUTF8ToUTF16BE — Converts array of UTF-8 characters to UTF16-BE string. Based on: Encoding UTF-16:
- getFontFullPath — Return font full path
- getFontRefSize — Get a reference font size.
- getUniord — Converts UTF-8 character to integer value. Invalid byte sequences will be replaced with 0xFFFD (replacement character) Based on: Char. number range | UTF-8 octet sequence (hexadecimal) | (binary) --------------------+----------------------------------------------- 0000 0000-0000 007F | 0xxxxxxx 0000 0080-0000 07FF | 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx 0000 0800-0000 FFFF | 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 0001 0000-0010 FFFF | 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- UniArrSubString — Extract a slice of the $uniarr array and return it as string.
- unichr — Returns the unicode caracter specified by the value
- unichrASCII — Returns the unicode caracter specified by ASCII value
- unichrUnicode — Returns the unicode caracter specified by UTF-8 value
- uniord — Converts UTF-8 character to integer value. Uses the getUniord() method if the value is not cached.
- updateCIDtoGIDmap — Update the CIDToGIDMap string with a new value.
- UTF8ArrayToUniArray — Convert an array of UTF8 values to array of unicode characters
- UTF8ArrSubString — Extract a slice of the $strarr array and return it as string.
- UTF8ArrToLatin1 — Converts UTF-8 characters array to array of Latin1 string
- UTF8ArrToLatin1Arr — Converts UTF-8 characters array to array of Latin1 characters array
- utf8Bidi — Reverse the RLT substrings using the Bidirectional Algorithm (
- utf8StrArrRev — Reverse the RLT substrings array using the Bidirectional Algorithm (
- UTF8StringToArray — Converts UTF-8 strings to codepoints array. Invalid byte sequences will be replaced with 0xFFFD (replacement character)
- utf8StrRev — Reverse the RLT substrings using the Bidirectional Algorithm (
- UTF8ToLatin1 — Converts UTF-8 strings to Latin1 when using the standard 14 core fonts.
- UTF8ToUTF16BE — Converts UTF-8 strings to UTF16-BE.