TCPDF::ImageEps( $file,  $x = '',  $y = '',  $w,  $h,  $link = '',  $useBoundingBox = true,  $align = '',  $palign = '',  $border,  $fitonpage = false,  $fixoutvals = false )

Embed vector-based Adobe Illustrator (AI) or AI-compatible EPS files.

Description Description

NOTE: EPS is not yet fully implemented, use the setRasterizeVectorImages() method to enable/disable rasterization of vector images using ImageMagick library. Only vector drawing is supported, not text or bitmap. Although the script was successfully tested with various AI format versions, best results are probably achieved with files that were exported in the AI3 format (tested with Illustrator CS2, Freehand MX and Photoshop CS2).

Parameters Parameters


(Required) (string) Name of the file containing the image or a '@' character followed by the EPS/AI data string.


(Optional) (float) Abscissa of the upper-left corner.

Default value: ''


(Optional) (float) Ordinate of the upper-left corner.

Default value: ''


(Required) (float) Width of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.


(Required) (float) Height of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.


(Optional) (mixed) URL or identifier returned by AddLink().

Default value: ''


(Optional) (boolean) specifies whether to position the bounding box (true) or the complete canvas (false) at location (x,y). Default value is true.

Default value: true


(Optional) (string) Indicates the alignment of the pointer next to image insertion relative to image height. The value can be:<ul><li>T: top-right for LTR or top-left for RTL</li><li>M: middle-right for LTR or middle-left for RTL</li><li>B: bottom-right for LTR or bottom-left for RTL</li><li>N: next line</li></ul>

Default value: ''


(Optional) (string) Allows to center or align the image on the current line. Possible values are:<ul><li>L : left align</li><li>C : center</li><li>R : right align</li><li>'' : empty string : left for LTR or right for RTL</li></ul>

Default value: ''


(Required) (mixed) Indicates if borders must be drawn around the cell. The value can be a number:<ul><li>0: no border (default)</li><li>1: frame</li></ul> or a string containing some or all of the following characters (in any order):<ul><li>L: left</li><li>T: top</li><li>R: right</li><li>B: bottom</li></ul> or an array of line styles for each border group - for example: array('LTRB' => array('width' => 2, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0)))


(Optional) (boolean) if true the image is resized to not exceed page dimensions.

Default value: false


(Optional) (boolean) if true remove values outside the bounding box.

Default value: false

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Source Source

File: includes/lib/tcpdf/tcpdf.php


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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
3.1.000 Introduced.

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