TCPDF::addHtmlLink( $url, $name, $fill = false, $firstline = false, $color = '', $style = -1, $firstblock = false )
Output anchor link.
Description Description
Parameters Parameters
- $url
(Required) (string) link URL or internal link (i.e.: <a href="#23,4.5">link to page 23 at 4.5 Y position</a>)
- $name
(Required) (string) link name
- $fill
(Optional) (boolean) Indicates if the cell background must be painted (true) or transparent (false).
Default value: false
- $firstline
(Optional) (boolean) if true prints only the first line and return the remaining string.
Default value: false
- $color
(Optional) (array) array of RGB text color
Default value: ''
- $style
(Optional) (string) font style (U, D, B, I)
Default value: -1
- $firstblock
(Optional) (boolean) if true the string is the starting of a line.
Default value: false
Return Return
(the) number of cells used or the remaining text if $firstline = true;
Source Source
File: includes/lib/tcpdf/tcpdf.php