This is an object representing a Stripe account. You can retrieve it to see properties on the account like its current e-mail address or if the account is enabled yet to make live charges.
Description Description
Some properties, marked below, are available only to platforms that want to <a href="”>create and manage Express or Custom accounts.
Source Source
File: includes/gateways/stripe/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/Account.php
Methods Methods
- allCapabilities
- allExternalAccounts
- allPersons
- createExternalAccount
- createLoginLink
- createPerson
- deauthorize
- deleteExternalAccount
- deletePerson
- getSavedNestedResources
- instanceUrl
- persons
- reject
- retrieve
- retrieveCapability
- retrieveExternalAccount
- retrievePerson
- serializeAdditionalOwners
- serializeParameters
- updateCapability
- updateExternalAccount
- updatePerson