LLMS_Question_Choice model class
Description Description
Source Source
File: includes/models/model.llms.question.choice.php
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
3.16.0 | Introduced. |
Methods Methods
- __construct — Constructor
- create — Creates a new question
- delete — Delete a choice
- exists — Determine if the choice that's been requested actually exists
- get — Retrieve a piece of choice data by key
- get_choice — Generic choice getter which automatically uses correct functions based on choice type
- get_data — Retrieve all of the choice data as an array
- get_image — Retrieve an image for picture choices
- get_question — Retrieve an instance of an LLMS_Question for questions parent
- get_question_id — Retrieve the question ID for the given choice
- hydrate — Setup the id and data variables
- is_correct — Determine if the choice is correct
- save — Save $this->data to the postmeta table
- set — Set a piece of data by key
- set_question — Sets question-related data from constructor
- update — Update multiple data by key=>val pairs