Membership Settings meta box class
Description Description
Source Source
File: includes/admin/post-types/meta-boxes/class.llms.meta.box.membership.php
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
3.36.3 | In the save() method Added logic to correctly sanitize fields of type 'multi' (array) and 'shortcode' (preventing quotes encode). Also align the method return type to the parent save()` method. |
3.36.0 | Allow some fields to store values with quotes. |
3.35.0 | Verify nonces and sanitize $_POST data. |
3.30.3 | Fixed spelling errors; removed duplicate array keys. |
1.0.0 | Introduced. |
Methods Methods
- configure — This function allows extending classes to configure required class properties $this->id, $this->title, and $this->screens should be configured in this function.
- get_content_table — Get array of data to pass to the auto enrollment courses table.
- get_fields — This function is where extending classes can configure all the fields within the metabox.
- save — Save field data.