Admin Import Screen and form submission handling class
Description Description
Source Source
File: includes/admin/class.llms.admin.import.php
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
3.37.3 | Don't unslash uploaded file tmp_name . |
3.36.3 | Fixed a typo where "$generator" was spelled "$generater". |
3.35.0 | Initialize at admin_init instead of init . Import template from the admin views directory instead of the frontend templates directory. Improve error handling. |
3.30.1 | Explicitly include template functions during imports. |
3.3.0 | Introduced. |
Methods Methods
- __construct — Constructor
- add_help_tabs — Add WP_Screen help tabs
- cloud_import — Handle form submission of a cloud import file
- enqueue — Enqueue static assets used on the screen
- get_generated_content_list — Convert an array of generated content IDs to a list of anchor tags to edit the generated content
- get_screen — Retrieve an instance of the WP_Screen for the import screen
- get_success_message — Retrieves a "Success" message providing information about the imported content.
- get_view — Retrieves the HTML of a view from the views/import directory.
- handle_generation — Instantiate and generate raw data via LLMS_Generator
- localize_stat — Localize statistic information for display on success. — deprecated
- output — Handle HTML output on the screen
- show_error — Output an admin notice from a WP_Error object
- upload_import — Handle form submission
- validate_upload — Validate the uploaded file