WPDB database interactions abstract class
Description Description
Source Source
File: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.database.store.php
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
4.3.0 | Add deprecated hook calls to preserve backwards compatibility for extending classes which have no $type property declaration. Updated the $type property to have a default placeholder value. |
3.36.0 | Prevent undefined index error when attempting to retrieve an unset value from an unsaved object. Hydrate before returning an array via the to_array() method. |
3.34.0 | to_array() method returns value of the primary key instead of the format. |
3.33.0 | setup() method returns self instead of void. |
3.14.0 | Introduced. |
Methods Methods
- __construct — Constructor
- __get — Get object data
- __set — Set object data
- create — Create the item in the database
- delete — Delete the object from the database
- exists — Determine if the item exists in the database
- get — Get object data
- get_column_format — Retrieve the format for a column
- get_id — Get the ID of the object
- get_primary_key — Retrieve the primary key column name
- get_table — Get the table Name
- hydrate — Load the whole object from the database
- read — Read object data from the database
- save — Save object to the database
- set — General setter
- setup — Setup an object with an array of data
- to_array — Retrieve object as an array
- update — Update object data in the database