Class EDD_Stripe_Rate_Limiting
Description Description
Source Source
File: includes/gateways/stripe/includes/class-edd-stripe-rate-limiting.php
Methods Methods
- __construct — Set up the EDD Logging Class
- actions — Register any actions we need to use.
- card_error_checks_enabled — Determines if we should check for Stripe card errors and track them.
- filters — Register any filters we need to use.
- get_card_error_count — Retrieves the number of times an IP address has generated card errors.
- get_card_error_id — Generates the card error tracking ID.
- get_decoded_file — Get the decoded array of rate limiting from the log file.
- get_file — Retrieve the file data is written to
- get_file_contents — Retrieve the log data
- get_rate_limiting_entry — Get a specific entry from the rate limiting log.
- has_hit_card_error_limit — Checks if the current session has hit the card error limit.
- increment_card_error_count — Increments the Stripe card error counter.
- listen_for_recurring_card_errors — When the purchase form errors are displayed, see if any were related to Stripe failures and increase the card error counter.
- maybe_hide_purchase_button — Determines if we should hide the purchase button.
- remove_log_entry — Remove an entry from the rate limiting log.
- setup_log_file — Sets up the log file if it is writable
- update_rate_limiting_count — Update an entry in the rate limiting array.
- write_to_log — Write the log message