Description Description
Source Source
File: includes/class-edd-customer-query.php
Methods Methods
- __construct — Constructor.
- construct_request_fields — Constructs the fields segment of the SQL request.
- construct_request_groupby — Constructs the groupby segment of the SQL request.
- construct_request_join — Constructs the join segment of the SQL request.
- construct_request_limits — Constructs the limits segment of the SQL request.
- construct_request_orderby — Constructs the orderby segment of the SQL request.
- construct_request_where — Constructs the where segment of the SQL request.
- get_allowed_orderby_keys — Returns the basic allowed keys to use for the orderby clause.
- get_items — Retrieves a list of customers matching the query vars.
- get_search_sql — Used internally to generate an SQL string for searching across multiple columns.
- parse_order_string — Parses a single order string.
- parse_orderby_string — Parses a single orderby string.
- parse_query — Parses arguments passed to the customer query with default query parameters.
- query — Sets up the query for retrieving customers.
- query_items — Runs a database query to retrieve customers.
- set_found_items — Populates the found_items property for the current query if the limit clause was used.