Main BuddyPress Instance.
Description Description
BuddyPress is great. Please load it only one time. For this, we thank you.
Insures that only one instance of BuddyPress exists in memory at any one time. Also prevents needing to define globals all over the place.
See also See also
Return Return
(BuddyPress|null) The one true BuddyPress.
Source Source
File: class-buddypress.php
public static function instance() { // Store the instance locally to avoid private static replication static $instance = null; // Only run these methods if they haven't been run previously if ( null === $instance ) { $instance = new BuddyPress; $instance->constants(); $instance->setup_globals(); $instance->legacy_constants(); $instance->includes(); $instance->setup_actions(); } // Always return the instance return $instance; // The last metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace. }
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
1.7.0 | Introduced. |