Manage BuddyPress XProfile.
Description Description
# Save a xprofile data to a user with its field and value.
$ wp bp xprofile data set --user-id=45 --field-id=120 --value=teste
Success: Updated XProfile field "Field Name" (ID 120) with value "teste" for user user_login (ID 45).
# Create a xprofile group.
$ wp bp xprofile group create --name="Group Name" --description="Xprofile Group Description"
Success: Created XProfile field group "Group Name" (ID 123).
# List xprofile fields.
$ wp bp xprofile field list
Source Source
File: cli/src/xprofile.php
Methods Methods
- check_dependencies — Dependency check for this CLI command.
- command_to_array — Adds description and subcomands to the DOC.