
Manage BuddyPress Components.

Description Description

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# Activate a component.
$ wp bp component activate groups
Success: The Groups component has been activated.

# Deactive a component.
$ wp bp component deactivate groups
Success: The Groups component has been deactivated.

# List components.
$ wp bp component list --type=required
| number | id      | status | title                  | description                                |
| 1      | core    | Active | BuddyPress Core        | It's what makes <del>time travel</del>     |
|        |         |        |                        | BuddyPress possible!                       |
| 2      | members | Active | Community Members      | Everything in a BuddyPress community       |
|        |         |        |                        | revolves around its members.               |

Source Source

File: cli/src/components.php


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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
1.6.0 Introduced.

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Methods Methods

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