
Class to help set up XProfile Groups.

Description Description

Source Source

File: bp-xprofile/classes/class-bp-xprofile-group.php

class BP_XProfile_Group {

	 * Field group ID.
	 * @since 1.1.0
	 * @var int ID of field group.
	public $id = null;

	 * Field group name.
	 * @since 1.1.0
	 * @var string Name of field group.
	public $name;

	 * Field group Description.
	 * @since 1.1.0
	 * @var string Description of field group.
	public $description;

	 * Group deletion boolean.
	 * @since 1.1.0
	 * @var bool Can this group be deleted?
	public $can_delete;

	 * Group order.
	 * @since 1.1.0
	 * @var int Group order relative to other groups.
	public $group_order;

	 * Group fields.
	 * @since 1.1.0
	 * @var array Fields of group.
	public $fields;

	 * Initialize and/or populate profile field group.
	 * @since 1.1.0
	 * @param int|null $id Field group ID.
	public function __construct( $id = null ) {
		if ( ! empty( $id ) ) {
			$this->populate( $id );

	 * Populate a profile field group.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @global $wpdb $wpdb
	 * @param int $id Field group ID.
	 * @return boolean
	public function populate( $id ) {

		// Get this group.
		$group = self::get( array(
			'profile_group_id' => $id
		) );

		// Bail if group not found.
		if ( empty( $group ) ) {
			return false;

		// Get the first array element.
		$group = reset( $group );

		// Set object properties.
		$this->id          = $group->id;
		$this->name        = $group->name;
		$this->description = $group->description;
		$this->can_delete  = $group->can_delete;
		$this->group_order = $group->group_order;

	 * Save a profile field group.
	 * @since 1.1.0
	 * @global object $wpdb
	 * @return boolean
	public function save() {
		global $wpdb;

		// Filter the field group attributes.
		$this->name        = apply_filters( 'xprofile_group_name_before_save',        $this->name,        $this->id );
		$this->description = apply_filters( 'xprofile_group_description_before_save', $this->description, $this->id );

		 * Fires before the current group instance gets saved.
		 * Please use this hook to filter the properties above. Each part will be passed in.
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @param BP_XProfile_Group $this Current instance of the group being saved. Passed by reference.
		do_action_ref_array( 'xprofile_group_before_save', array( &$this ) );

		$bp = buddypress();

		// Update or insert.
		if ( ! empty( $this->id ) ) {
			$sql = $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$bp->profile->table_name_groups} SET name = %s, description = %s WHERE id = %d", $this->name, $this->description, $this->id );
		} else {
			$sql = $wpdb->prepare( "INSERT INTO {$bp->profile->table_name_groups} (name, description, can_delete) VALUES (%s, %s, 1)", $this->name, $this->description );

		// Attempt to insert or update.
		$query = $wpdb->query( $sql );

		// Bail if query fails. If `$query` is 0, it means the save was successful, but no fields were updated.
		if ( false === $query || is_wp_error( $query ) ) {
			return false;

		// If not set, update the ID in the group object.
		if ( empty( $this->id ) ) {
			$this->id = $wpdb->insert_id;

		 * Fires after the current group instance gets saved.
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @param BP_XProfile_Group $this Current instance of the group being saved. Passed by reference.
		do_action_ref_array( 'xprofile_group_after_save', array( &$this ) );

		return $this->id;

	 * Delete a profile field group
	 * @since 1.1.0
	 * @global object $wpdb
	 * @return boolean
	public function delete() {
		global $wpdb;

		// Bail if field group cannot be deleted.
		if ( empty( $this->can_delete ) ) {
			return false;

		 * Fires before the current group instance gets deleted.
		 * @since 2.0.0
		 * @param BP_XProfile_Group $this Current instance of the group being deleted. Passed by reference.
		do_action_ref_array( 'xprofile_group_before_delete', array( &$this ) );

		$bp      = buddypress();
		$sql     = $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM {$bp->profile->table_name_groups} WHERE id = %d", $this->id );
		$deleted = $wpdb->query( $sql );

		// Delete field group.
		if ( empty( $deleted ) || is_wp_error( $deleted ) ) {
			return false;

		// Remove the group's fields.
		if ( BP_XProfile_Field::delete_for_group( $this->id ) ) {

			// Remove profile data for the groups fields.
			if ( ! empty( $this->fields ) ) {
				for ( $i = 0, $count = count( $this->fields ); $i < $count; ++$i ) {
					BP_XProfile_ProfileData::delete_for_field( $this->fields[$i]->id );

		 * Fires after the current group instance gets deleted.
		 * @since 2.0.0
		 * @param BP_XProfile_Group $this Current instance of the group being deleted. Passed by reference.
		do_action_ref_array( 'xprofile_group_after_delete', array( &$this ) );

		return true;

	/** Static Methods ********************************************************/

	 * Populates the BP_XProfile_Group object with profile field groups, fields,
	 * and field data.
	 * @since 1.2.0
	 * @global object $wpdb WordPress DB access object.
	 * @param array $args {
	 *  Array of optional arguments:
	 *      @type int          $profile_group_id  Limit results to a single profile group.
	 *      @type int          $user_id           Required if you want to load a specific user's data.
	 *                                            Default: displayed user's ID.
	 *      @type array|string $member_type       Limit fields by those restricted to a given member type, or array of
	 *                                            member types. If `$user_id` is provided, the value of `$member_type`
	 *                                            will be overridden by the member types of the provided user. The
	 *                                            special value of 'any' will return only those fields that are
	 *                                            unrestricted by member type - i.e., those applicable to any type.
	 *      @type bool         $hide_empty_groups True to hide groups that don't have any fields. Default: false.
	 *      @type bool         $hide_empty_fields True to hide fields where the user has not provided data.
	 *                                            Default: false.
	 *      @type bool         $fetch_fields      Whether to fetch each group's fields. Default: false.
	 *      @type bool         $fetch_field_data  Whether to fetch data for each field. Requires a $user_id.
	 *                                            Default: false.
	 *      @type array        $exclude_groups    Comma-separated list or array of group IDs to exclude.
	 *      @type array        $exclude_fields    Comma-separated list or array of field IDs to exclude.
	 *      @type bool         $update_meta_cache Whether to pre-fetch xprofilemeta for all retrieved groups, fields,
	 *                                            and data. Default: true.
	 * }
	 * @return array $groups
	public static function get( $args = array() ) {
		global $wpdb;

		// Parse arguments.
		$r = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
			'profile_group_id'       => false,
			'user_id'                => bp_displayed_user_id(),
			'member_type'            => false,
			'hide_empty_groups'      => false,
			'hide_empty_fields'      => false,
			'fetch_fields'           => false,
			'fetch_field_data'       => false,
			'fetch_visibility_level' => false,
			'exclude_groups'         => false,
			'exclude_fields'         => false,
			'update_meta_cache'      => true,
		) );

		// Keep track of object IDs for cache-priming.
		$object_ids = array(
			'group' => array(),
			'field' => array(),
			'data'  => array(),

		$bp = buddypress();

		$group_ids = self::get_group_ids( $r );

		// Get all group data.
		$groups = self::get_group_data( $group_ids );

		// Bail if not also getting fields.
		if ( empty( $r['fetch_fields'] ) ) {
			return $groups;

		// Get the group ids from the groups we found.
		$group_ids = wp_list_pluck( $groups, 'id' );

		// Store for meta cache priming.
		$object_ids['group'] = $group_ids;

		// Bail if no groups found.
		if ( empty( $group_ids ) ) {
			return $groups;

		$field_ids = self::get_group_field_ids( $group_ids, $r );

		foreach( $groups as $group ) {
			$group->fields = array();

		// Bail if no fields.
		if ( empty( $field_ids ) ) {
			return $groups;

		$field_ids = array_map( 'intval', $field_ids );

		// Prime the field cache.
		$uncached_field_ids = bp_get_non_cached_ids( $field_ids, 'bp_xprofile_fields' );
		if ( ! empty( $uncached_field_ids ) ) {
			$_uncached_field_ids = implode( ',', array_map( 'intval', $uncached_field_ids ) );
			$uncached_fields = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM {$bp->profile->table_name_fields} WHERE id IN ({$_uncached_field_ids})" );
			foreach ( $uncached_fields as $uncached_field ) {
				$fid = intval( $uncached_field->id );
				wp_cache_set( $fid, $uncached_field, 'bp_xprofile_fields' );

		// Pull field objects from the cache.
		$fields = array();
		foreach ( $field_ids as $field_id ) {
			$fields[] = xprofile_get_field( $field_id, null, false );

		// Store field IDs for meta cache priming.
		$object_ids['field'] = $field_ids;

		// Maybe fetch field data.
		if ( ! empty( $r['fetch_field_data'] ) ) {

			// Get field data for user ID.
			if ( ! empty( $field_ids ) && ! empty( $r['user_id'] ) ) {
				$field_data = BP_XProfile_ProfileData::get_data_for_user( $r['user_id'], $field_ids );

			// Remove data-less fields, if necessary.
			if ( ! empty( $r['hide_empty_fields'] ) && ! empty( $field_ids ) && ! empty( $field_data ) ) {

				// Loop through the results and find the fields that have data.
				foreach( (array) $field_data as $data ) {

					// Empty fields may contain a serialized empty array.
					$maybe_value = maybe_unserialize( $data->value );

					// Valid field values of 0 or '0' get caught by empty(), so we have an extra check for these. See #BP5731.
					if ( ( ! empty( $maybe_value ) || '0' == $maybe_value ) && false !== $key = array_search( $data->field_id, $field_ids ) ) {

						// Fields that have data get removed from the list.
						unset( $field_ids[ $key ] );

				// The remaining members of $field_ids are empty. Remove them.
				foreach( $fields as $field_key => $field ) {
					if ( in_array( $field->id, $field_ids ) ) {
						unset( $fields[ $field_key ] );

				// Reset indexes.
				$fields = array_values( $fields );

			// Field data was found.
			if ( ! empty( $fields ) && ! empty( $field_data ) && ! is_wp_error( $field_data ) ) {

				// Loop through fields.
				foreach( (array) $fields as $field_key => $field ) {

					// Loop through the data in each field.
					foreach( (array) $field_data as $data ) {

						// Assign correct data value to the field.
						if ( $field->id == $data->field_id ) {
							$fields[ $field_key ]->data        = new stdClass;
							$fields[ $field_key ]->data->value = $data->value;
							$fields[ $field_key ]->data->id    = $data->id;

						// Store for meta cache priming.
						$object_ids['data'][] = $data->id;

		// Prime the meta cache, if necessary.
		if ( ! empty( $r['update_meta_cache'] ) ) {
			bp_xprofile_update_meta_cache( $object_ids );

		// Maybe fetch visibility levels.
		if ( ! empty( $r['fetch_visibility_level'] ) ) {
			$fields = self::fetch_visibility_level( $r['user_id'], $fields );

		// Merge the field array back in with the group array.
		foreach( (array) $groups as $group ) {
			// Indexes may have been shifted after previous deletions, so we get a
			// fresh one each time through the loop.
			$index = array_search( $group, $groups );

			foreach( (array) $fields as $field ) {
				if ( $group->id === $field->group_id ) {
					$groups[ $index ]->fields[] = $field;

			// When we unset fields above, we may have created empty groups.
			// Remove them, if necessary.
			if ( empty( $group->fields ) && ! empty( $r['hide_empty_groups'] ) ) {
				unset( $groups[ $index ] );

			// Reset indexes.
			$groups = array_values( $groups );

		return $groups;

	 * Gets group IDs, based on passed parameters.
	 * @since 5.0.0
	 * @param array $args {
	 *    Array of optional arguments:
	 *    @type int   $profile_group_id  Limit results to a single profile group. Default false.
	 *    @type array $exclude_groups    Comma-separated list or array of group IDs to exclude. Default false.
	 *    @type bool  $hide_empty_groups True to hide groups that don't have any fields. Default: false.
	 * }
	 * @return array
	public static function get_group_ids( $args = array() ) {
		global $wpdb;

		$r = array_merge(
				'profile_group_id'  => false,
				'exclude_groups'    => false,
				'hide_empty_groups' => false,

		$bp = buddypress();

		if ( ! empty( $r['profile_group_id'] ) ) {
			$where_sql = $wpdb->prepare( 'WHERE g.id = %d', $r['profile_group_id'] );
		} elseif ( $r['exclude_groups'] ) {
			$exclude   = join( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $r['exclude_groups'] ) );
			$where_sql = "WHERE g.id NOT IN ({$exclude})";
		} else {
			$where_sql = '';

		// Include or exclude empty groups.
		if ( ! empty( $r['hide_empty_groups'] ) ) {
			$group_ids_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT g.id FROM {$bp->profile->table_name_groups} g INNER JOIN {$bp->profile->table_name_fields} f ON g.id = f.group_id {$where_sql} ORDER BY g.group_order ASC";
		} else {
			$group_ids_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT g.id FROM {$bp->profile->table_name_groups} g {$where_sql} ORDER BY g.group_order ASC";

		$cached = bp_core_get_incremented_cache( $group_ids_sql, 'bp_xprofile_groups' );
		if ( false === $cached ) {
			$group_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $group_ids_sql );
			bp_core_set_incremented_cache( $group_ids_sql, 'bp_xprofile_groups', $group_ids );
		} else {
			$group_ids = $cached;

		return array_map( 'intval', $group_ids );

	 * Gets group field IDs, based on passed parameters.
	 * @since 5.0.0
	 * @param array $group_ids Array of group IDs.
	 * @param array $args {
	 *    Array of optional arguments:
	 *      @type array        $exclude_fields    Comma-separated list or array of field IDs to exclude.
	 *                                            Default empty.
	 *      @type int          $user_id           Limit results to fields associated with a given user's
	 *                                            member type. Default empty.
	 *      @type array|string $member_type       Limit fields by those restricted to a given member type, or array of
	 *                                            member types. If `$user_id` is provided, the value of `$member_type`
	 *                                            is honored.
	 * }
	 * @return array
	public static function get_group_field_ids( $group_ids, $args = array() ) {
		global $wpdb;

		$r = array_merge(
				'exclude_fields' => false,
				'user_id' => false,
				'member_type' => false,

		$bp = buddypress();

		// Setup IN query from group IDs.
		if ( empty( $group_ids ) ) {
			$group_ids = array( 0 );
		$group_ids_in = implode( ',', array_map( 'intval', $group_ids ) );

		// Support arrays and comma-separated strings.
		$exclude_fields_cs = wp_parse_id_list( $r['exclude_fields'] );

		// Visibility - Handled here so as not to be overridden by sloppy use of the
		// exclude_fields parameter. See bp_xprofile_get_hidden_fields_for_user().
		$hidden_user_fields = bp_xprofile_get_hidden_fields_for_user( $r['user_id'] );
		$exclude_fields_cs  = array_merge( $exclude_fields_cs, $hidden_user_fields );
		$exclude_fields_cs  = implode( ',', $exclude_fields_cs );

		// Set up NOT IN query for excluded field IDs.
		if ( ! empty( $exclude_fields_cs ) ) {
			$exclude_fields_sql = "AND id NOT IN ({$exclude_fields_cs})";
		} else {
			$exclude_fields_sql = '';

		// Set up IN query for included field IDs.
		$include_field_ids = array();

		// Member-type restrictions.
		if ( bp_get_member_types() ) {
			if ( $r['user_id'] || false !== $r['member_type'] ) {
				$member_types = $r['member_type'];
				if ( $r['user_id'] ) {
					$member_types = bp_get_member_type( $r['user_id'], false );
					if ( empty( $member_types ) ) {
						$member_types = array( 'null' );

				$member_types_fields = BP_XProfile_Field::get_fields_for_member_type( $member_types );
				$include_field_ids += array_keys( $member_types_fields );

		$in_sql = '';
		if ( ! empty( $include_field_ids ) ) {
			$include_field_ids_cs = implode( ',', array_map( 'intval', $include_field_ids ) );
			$in_sql = " AND id IN ({$include_field_ids_cs}) ";

		$field_ids_sql = "SELECT id FROM {$bp->profile->table_name_fields} WHERE group_id IN ( {$group_ids_in} ) AND parent_id = 0 {$exclude_fields_sql} {$in_sql} ORDER BY field_order";

		$cached = bp_core_get_incremented_cache( $field_ids_sql, 'bp_xprofile_groups' );
		if ( false === $cached ) {
			$field_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $field_ids_sql );
			bp_core_set_incremented_cache( $field_ids_sql, 'bp_xprofile_groups', $field_ids );
		} else {
			$field_ids = $cached;

		return array_map( 'intval', $field_ids );

	 * Get data about a set of groups, based on IDs.
	 * @since 2.0.0
	 * @param array $group_ids Array of IDs.
	 * @return array
	protected static function get_group_data( $group_ids ) {
		global $wpdb;

		// Bail if no group IDs are passed.
		if ( empty( $group_ids ) ) {
			return array();

		// Setup empty arrays.
		$groups        = array();
		$uncached_gids = array();

		// Loop through groups and look for cached & uncached data.
		foreach ( $group_ids as $group_id ) {

			// If cached data is found, use it.
			$group_data = wp_cache_get( $group_id, 'bp_xprofile_groups' );
			if ( false !== $group_data ) {
				$groups[ $group_id ] = $group_data;

			// Otherwise leave a placeholder so we don't lose the order.
			} else {
				$groups[ $group_id ] = '';

				// Add to the list of items to be queried.
				$uncached_gids[] = $group_id;

		// Fetch uncached data from the DB if necessary.
		if ( ! empty( $uncached_gids ) ) {

			// Setup IN query for uncached group data.
			$uncached_gids_sql = implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $uncached_gids ) );

			// Get table name to query.
			$table_name = buddypress()->profile->table_name_groups;

			// Fetch data, preserving order.
			$queried_gdata = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM {$table_name} WHERE id IN ({$uncached_gids_sql}) ORDER BY FIELD( id, {$uncached_gids_sql} )");

			// Make sure query returned valid data.
			if ( ! empty( $queried_gdata ) && ! is_wp_error( $queried_gdata ) ) {

				// Put queried data into the placeholders created earlier,
				// and add it to the cache.
				foreach ( (array) $queried_gdata as $gdata ) {

					// Add group to groups array.
					$groups[ $gdata->id ] = $gdata;

					// Cache previously uncached group data.
					wp_cache_set( $gdata->id, $gdata, 'bp_xprofile_groups' );

		// Integer casting.
		foreach ( (array) $groups as $key => $data ) {
			$groups[ $key ]->id          = (int) $groups[ $key ]->id;
			$groups[ $key ]->group_order = (int) $groups[ $key ]->group_order;
			$groups[ $key ]->can_delete  = (int) $groups[ $key ]->can_delete;

		// Reset indexes & return.
		return array_values( $groups );

	 * Validate field group when form submitted.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @global string $message
	 * @return boolean
	public static function admin_validate() {
		global $message;

		// Validate Form.
		if ( empty( $_POST['group_name'] ) ) {
			$message = __( 'Please make sure you give the group a name.', 'buddypress' );
			return false;
		} else {
			return true;

	 * Update field group position.
	 * @since 1.5.0
	 * @global $wpdb $wpdb
	 * @param  int $field_group_id ID of the group the field belongs to.
	 * @param  int $position       Field group position.
	 * @return boolean
	public static function update_position( $field_group_id, $position ) {
		global $wpdb;

		if ( ! is_numeric( $position ) ) {
			return false;

		// Purge profile field group and group query caches.
		wp_cache_delete( 'all', 'bp_xprofile_groups' );
		bp_core_reset_incrementor( 'bp_xprofile_groups' );

		$bp = buddypress();

		return $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$bp->profile->table_name_groups} SET group_order = %d WHERE id = %d", $position, $field_group_id ) );

	 * Fetch the field visibility level for the fields returned by the query.
	 * @since 1.6.0
	 * @param int   $user_id The profile owner's user_id.
	 * @param array $fields  The database results returned by the get() query.
	 * @return array $fields The database results, with field_visibility added
	public static function fetch_visibility_level( $user_id = 0, $fields = array() ) {

		// Get the user's visibility level preferences.
		$visibility_levels = bp_get_user_meta( $user_id, 'bp_xprofile_visibility_levels', true );

		foreach( (array) $fields as $key => $field ) {

			// Does the admin allow this field to be customized?
			$visibility   = bp_xprofile_get_meta( $field->id, 'field', 'allow_custom_visibility' );
			$allow_custom = (bool) ( 'disabled' !== $visibility );

			// Look to see if the user has set the visibility for this field.
			if ( ( true === $allow_custom ) && isset( $visibility_levels[ $field->id ] ) ) {
				$field_visibility = $visibility_levels[ $field->id ];

			// If no admin-set default is saved, fall back on a global default.
			} else {
				$fallback_visibility = bp_xprofile_get_meta( $field->id, 'field', 'default_visibility' );

				 * Filters the XProfile default visibility level for a field.
				 * @since 1.6.0
				 * @param string $value Default visibility value.
				$field_visibility = ! empty( $fallback_visibility )
					? $fallback_visibility
					: apply_filters( 'bp_xprofile_default_visibility_level', 'public' );

			$fields[ $key ]->visibility_level = $field_visibility;

		return $fields;

	 * Fetch the admin-set preferences for all fields.
	 * @since 1.6.0
	 * @return array $default_visibility_levels An array, keyed by field_id, of default
	 *                                          visibility level + allow_custom
	 *                                          (whether the admin allows this
	 *                                          field to be set by user)
	public static function fetch_default_visibility_levels() {
		global $wpdb;

		$default_visibility_levels = wp_cache_get( 'default_visibility_levels', 'bp_xprofile' );

		if ( false === $default_visibility_levels ) {
			$bp = buddypress();

			$levels = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT object_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM {$bp->profile->table_name_meta} WHERE object_type = 'field' AND ( meta_key = 'default_visibility' OR meta_key = 'allow_custom_visibility' )" );

			// Arrange so that the field id is the key and the visibility level the value.
			$default_visibility_levels = array();
			foreach ( $levels as $level ) {
				switch ( $level->meta_key ) {
					case 'default_visibility' :
						$default_visibility_levels[ $level->object_id ]['default']      = $level->meta_value;
					case 'allow_custom_visibility' :
						$default_visibility_levels[ $level->object_id ]['allow_custom'] = $level->meta_value;

			wp_cache_set( 'default_visibility_levels', $default_visibility_levels, 'bp_xprofile' );

		return $default_visibility_levels;

	/** Admin Output **********************************************************/

	 * Output the admin area field group form.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @global string $message
	public function render_admin_form() {
		global $message;

		// Users Admin URL
		$users_url = bp_get_admin_url( 'users.php' );

		// URL to cancel to
		$cancel_url = add_query_arg( array(
			'page' => 'bp-profile-setup'
		), $users_url );

		// New field group.
		if ( empty( $this->id ) ) {
			$title	= __( 'Add New Field Group', 'buddypress' );
			$button	= __( 'Save',                'buddypress' );
			$action	= add_query_arg( array(
				'page' => 'bp-profile-setup',
				'mode' => 'add_group'
			), $users_url );

		// Existing field group.
		} else {
			$title  = __( 'Edit Field Group', 'buddypress' );
			$button	= __( 'Update',           'buddypress' );
			$action	= add_query_arg( array(
				'page'     => 'bp-profile-setup',
				'mode'     => 'edit_group',
				'group_id' => (int) $this->id
			), $users_url );
		} ?>

		<div class="wrap">

			<h1><?php echo esc_html( $title ); ?></h1>

			<?php if ( ! empty( $message ) ) : ?>

				<div id="message" class="error fade">
					<p><?php echo esc_html( $message ); ?></p>

			<?php endif; ?>

			<form id="bp-xprofile-add-field-group" action="<?php echo esc_url( $action ); ?>" method="post">
				<div id="poststuff">
					<div id="post-body" class="metabox-holder columns-<?php echo ( 1 == get_current_screen()->get_columns() ) ? '1' : '2'; ?>">
						<div id="post-body-content">
							<div id="titlediv">
								<div class="titlewrap">
									<label id="title-prompt-text" for="title"><?php esc_html_e( 'Field Group Name (required)', 'buddypress') ?></label>
									<input type="text" name="group_name" id="title" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $this->name ); ?>" autocomplete="off" />
							<div class="postbox">
								<h2><?php esc_html_e( 'Field Group Description', 'buddypress' ); ?></h2>
								<div class="inside">
									<label for="group_description" class="screen-reader-text"><?php
										/* translators: accessibility text */
										esc_html_e( 'Add description', 'buddypress' );
									<textarea name="group_description" id="group_description" rows="8" cols="60"><?php echo esc_textarea( $this->description ); ?></textarea>


							 * Fires after the XProfile group description field is rendered in wp-admin.
							 * @since 2.6.0
							 * @param BP_XProfile_Group $this Current XProfile group.
							do_action( 'xprofile_group_admin_after_description', $this ); ?>

						</div><!-- #post-body-content -->

						<div id="postbox-container-1" class="postbox-container">


							 * Fires before XProfile Group submit metabox.
							 * @since 2.1.0
							 * @param BP_XProfile_Group $this Current XProfile group.
							do_action( 'xprofile_group_before_submitbox', $this ); ?>

							<div id="submitdiv" class="postbox">
								<h2><?php _e( 'Submit', 'buddypress' ); ?></h2>
								<div class="inside">
									<div id="submitcomment" class="submitbox">
										<div id="major-publishing-actions">


											// Nonce fields
											wp_nonce_field( 'bp_xprofile_admin_group', 'bp_xprofile_admin_group' );

											 * Fires at the beginning of the XProfile Group publishing actions section.
											 * @since 2.1.0
											 * @param BP_XProfile_Group $this Current XProfile group.
											do_action( 'xprofile_group_submitbox_start', $this ); ?>

											<input type="hidden" name="group_order" id="group_order" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $this->group_order ); ?>" />
											<div id="publishing-action">
												<input type="submit" name="save_group" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $button ); ?>" class="button-primary"/>
											<div id="delete-action">
												<a href="<?php echo esc_url( $cancel_url ); ?>" class="deletion"><?php _e( 'Cancel', 'buddypress' ); ?></a>
											<div class="clear"></div>


							 * Fires after XProfile Group submit metabox.
							 * @since 2.1.0
							 * @param BP_XProfile_Group $this Current XProfile group.
							do_action( 'xprofile_group_after_submitbox', $this ); ?>



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1.0.0 Introduced.

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