BP_Members_Admin::signups_admin_manage( string $action = '' )

This is the confirmation screen for actions.

Description Description

Parameters Parameters


(Optional) Delete, activate, or resend activation link.

Default value: ''

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Return Return


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Source Source

File: bp-members/classes/class-bp-members-admin.php

	public function signups_admin_manage( $action = '' ) {
		if ( ! current_user_can( $this->capability ) || empty( $action ) ) {
			die( '-1' );

		// Get the user IDs from the URL.
		$ids = false;
		if ( ! empty( $_POST['allsignups'] ) ) {
			$ids = wp_parse_id_list( $_POST['allsignups'] );
		} elseif ( ! empty( $_GET['signup_id'] ) ) {
			$ids = absint( $_GET['signup_id'] );

		if ( empty( $ids ) ) {
			return false;

		// Query for signups, and filter out those IDs that don't
		// correspond to an actual signup.
		$signups_query = BP_Signup::get( array(
			'include' => $ids,
		) );

		$signups    = $signups_query['signups'];
		$signup_ids = wp_list_pluck( $signups, 'signup_id' );

		// Set up strings.
		switch ( $action ) {
			case 'delete' :
				$header_text = __( 'Delete Pending Accounts', 'buddypress' );
				if ( 1 == count( $signup_ids ) ) {
					$helper_text = __( 'You are about to delete the following account:', 'buddypress' );
				} else {
					$helper_text = __( 'You are about to delete the following accounts:', 'buddypress' );

			case 'activate' :
				$header_text = __( 'Activate Pending Accounts', 'buddypress' );
				if ( 1 == count( $signup_ids ) ) {
					$helper_text = __( 'You are about to activate the following account:', 'buddypress' );
				} else {
					$helper_text = __( 'You are about to activate the following accounts:', 'buddypress' );

			case 'resend' :
				$header_text = __( 'Resend Activation Emails', 'buddypress' );
				if ( 1 == count( $signup_ids ) ) {
					$helper_text = __( 'You are about to resend an activation email to the following account:', 'buddypress' );
				} else {
					$helper_text = __( 'You are about to resend an activation email to the following accounts:', 'buddypress' );

		// These arguments are added to all URLs.
		$url_args = array( 'page' => 'bp-signups' );

		// These arguments are only added when performing an action.
		$action_args = array(
			'action'     => 'do_' . $action,
			'signup_ids' => implode( ',', $signup_ids )

		if ( is_network_admin() ) {
			$base_url = network_admin_url( 'users.php' );
		} else {
			$base_url = bp_get_admin_url( 'users.php' );

		$cancel_url = add_query_arg( $url_args, $base_url );
		$action_url = wp_nonce_url(
				array_merge( $url_args, $action_args ),
			'signups_' . $action

		// Prefetch registration field data.
		$fdata = array();
		if ( 'activate' === $action && bp_is_active( 'xprofile' ) ) {
			$field_groups = bp_xprofile_get_groups( array(
				'exclude_fields'    => 1,
				'update_meta_cache' => false,
				'fetch_fields'      => true,
			) );

			foreach( $field_groups as $fg ) {
				foreach( $fg->fields as $f ) {
					$fdata[ $f->id ] = $f->name;


		<div class="wrap">
			<h1><?php echo esc_html( $header_text ); ?></h1>
			<p><?php echo esc_html( $helper_text ); ?></p>

			<ol class="bp-signups-list">
			<?php foreach ( $signups as $signup ) :
				$last_notified = mysql2date( 'Y/m/d g:i:s a', $signup->date_sent );
				$profile_field_ids = array();

				// Get all xprofile field IDs except field 1.
				if ( ! empty( $signup->meta['profile_field_ids'] ) ) {
					$profile_field_ids = array_flip( explode( ',', $signup->meta['profile_field_ids'] ) );
					unset( $profile_field_ids[1] );
				} ?>

					<strong><?php echo esc_html( $signup->user_login ) ?></strong>

					<?php if ( 'activate' == $action ) : ?>
						<table class="wp-list-table widefat fixed striped">
									<td class="column-fields"><?php esc_html_e( 'Display Name', 'buddypress' ); ?></td>
									<td><?php echo esc_html( $signup->user_name ); ?></td>

									<td class="column-fields"><?php esc_html_e( 'Email', 'buddypress' ); ?></td>
									<td><?php echo sanitize_email( $signup->user_email ); ?></td>

								<?php if ( bp_is_active( 'xprofile' ) && ! empty( $profile_field_ids ) ) : ?>
									<?php foreach ( $profile_field_ids as $pid => $noop ) :
										$field_value = isset( $signup->meta[ "field_{$pid}" ] ) ? $signup->meta[ "field_{$pid}" ] : ''; ?>
											<td class="column-fields"><?php echo esc_html( $fdata[ $pid ] ); ?></td>
											<td><?php echo $this->format_xprofile_field_for_display( $field_value ); ?></td>

									<?php endforeach;  ?>

								<?php endif; ?>

					<?php endif; ?>

					<?php if ( 'resend' == $action ) : ?>

						<p class="description">
							<?php printf( esc_html__( 'Last notified: %s', 'buddypress'), $last_notified ) ;?>

							<?php if ( ! empty( $signup->recently_sent ) ) : ?>

								<span class="attention wp-ui-text-notification"> <?php esc_html_e( '(less than 24 hours ago)', 'buddypress' ); ?></span>

							<?php endif; ?>

					<?php endif; ?>


			<?php endforeach; ?>

			<?php if ( 'delete' === $action ) : ?>

				<p><strong><?php esc_html_e( 'This action cannot be undone.', 'buddypress' ) ?></strong></p>

			<?php endif ; ?>

			<a class="button-primary" href="<?php echo esc_url( $action_url ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Confirm', 'buddypress' ); ?></a>
			<a class="button" href="<?php echo esc_url( $cancel_url ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Cancel', 'buddypress' ) ?></a>


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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
2.0.0 Introduced.

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