The main BuddyPress blog class.
Description Description
A BP_Blogs_Object represents a link between a specific WordPress blog on a network and a specific user on that blog.
Source Source
File: bp-blogs/classes/class-bp-blogs-blog.php
class BP_Blogs_Blog { /** * Site ID. * * @var int|null */ public $id; /** * User ID. * * @var int */ public $user_id; /** * Blog ID. * * @var int */ public $blog_id; /** * Constructor method. * * @param int|null $id Optional. The ID of the blog. */ public function __construct( $id = null ) { if ( !empty( $id ) ) { $this->id = (int) $id; $this->populate(); } } /** * Populate the object with data about the specific activity item. */ public function populate() { global $wpdb; $bp = buddypress(); $blog = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} WHERE id = %d", $this->id ) ); $this->user_id = (int) $blog->user_id; $this->blog_id = (int) $blog->blog_id; } /** * Save the BP blog data to the database. * * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ public function save() { global $wpdb; /** * Filters the blog user ID before save. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param int $value User ID. * @param int $value Site ID. */ $this->user_id = apply_filters( 'bp_blogs_blog_user_id_before_save', $this->user_id, $this->id ); /** * Filters the blog blog ID before save. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param int $value Blog ID. * @param int $value Site ID. */ $this->blog_id = apply_filters( 'bp_blogs_blog_id_before_save', $this->blog_id, $this->id ); /** * Fires before the current blog item gets saved. * * Please use this hook to filter the properties above. Each part will be passed in. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param BP_Blogs_Blog $this Current instance of the blog item being saved. Passed by reference. */ do_action_ref_array( 'bp_blogs_blog_before_save', array( &$this ) ); // Don't try and save if there is no user ID or blog ID set. if ( !$this->user_id || !$this->blog_id ) return false; // Don't save if this blog has already been recorded for the user. if ( !$this->id && $this->exists() ) return false; $bp = buddypress(); if ( $this->id ) { // Update. $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$bp->blogs->table_name} SET user_id = %d, blog_id = %d WHERE id = %d", $this->user_id, $this->blog_id, $this->id ); } else { // Save. $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "INSERT INTO {$bp->blogs->table_name} ( user_id, blog_id ) VALUES ( %d, %d )", $this->user_id, $this->blog_id ); } if ( !$wpdb->query($sql) ) return false; /** * Fires after the current blog item gets saved. * * Please use this hook to filter the properties above. Each part will be passed in. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param BP_Blogs_Blog $this Current instance of the blog item being saved. Passed by reference. */ do_action_ref_array( 'bp_blogs_blog_after_save', array( &$this ) ); if ( $this->id ) return $this->id; else return $wpdb->insert_id; } /** * Check whether an association between this user and this blog exists. * * @return int $value The number of associations between the user and blog * saved in the blog component tables. */ public function exists() { global $wpdb; $bp = buddypress(); return $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} WHERE user_id = %d AND blog_id = %d", $this->user_id, $this->blog_id ) ); } /** Static Methods ***************************************************/ /** * Retrieve a set of blog-user associations. * * @param string $type The order in which results should be returned. * 'active', 'alphabetical', 'newest', or 'random'. * @param int|bool $limit Optional. The maximum records to return. * Default: false. * @param int|bool $page Optional. The page of records to return. * Default: false (unlimited results). * @param int $user_id Optional. ID of the user whose blogs are being * retrieved. Default: 0. * @param string|bool $search_terms Optional. Search by text stored in * blogmeta (such as the blog name). Default: false. * @param bool $update_meta_cache Whether to pre-fetch metadata for * blogs. Default: true. * @param array|bool $include_blog_ids Array of blog IDs to include. * @return array Multidimensional results array, structured as follows: * 'blogs' - Array of located blog objects * 'total' - A count of the total blogs matching the filter params */ public static function get( $type, $limit = false, $page = false, $user_id = 0, $search_terms = false, $update_meta_cache = true, $include_blog_ids = false ) { global $wpdb; $bp = buddypress(); if ( !is_user_logged_in() || ( !bp_current_user_can( 'bp_moderate' ) && ( $user_id != bp_loggedin_user_id() ) ) ) $hidden_sql = "AND wb.public = 1"; else $hidden_sql = ''; $pag_sql = ( $limit && $page ) ? $wpdb->prepare( " LIMIT %d, %d", intval( ( $page - 1 ) * $limit), intval( $limit ) ) : ''; $user_sql = !empty( $user_id ) ? $wpdb->prepare( " AND b.user_id = %d", $user_id ) : ''; switch ( $type ) { case 'active': default: $order_sql = "ORDER BY bm.meta_value DESC"; break; case 'alphabetical': $order_sql = "ORDER BY bm_name.meta_value ASC"; break; case 'newest': $order_sql = "ORDER BY wb.registered DESC"; break; case 'random': $order_sql = "ORDER BY RAND()"; break; } $include_sql = ''; $include_blog_ids = array_filter( wp_parse_id_list( $include_blog_ids ) ); if ( ! empty( $include_blog_ids ) ) { $blog_ids_sql = implode( ',', $include_blog_ids ); $include_sql = " AND b.blog_id IN ({$blog_ids_sql})"; } if ( ! empty( $search_terms ) ) { $search_terms_like = '%' . bp_esc_like( $search_terms ) . '%'; $search_terms_sql = $wpdb->prepare( 'AND (bm_name.meta_value LIKE %s OR bm_description.meta_value LIKE %s)', $search_terms_like, $search_terms_like ); } else { $search_terms_sql = ''; } $paged_blogs = $wpdb->get_results( " SELECT b.blog_id, b.user_id as admin_user_id, u.user_email as admin_user_email, wb.domain, wb.path, bm.meta_value as last_activity, bm_name.meta_value as name FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} b LEFT JOIN {$bp->blogs->table_name_blogmeta} bm ON (b.blog_id = bm.blog_id) LEFT JOIN {$bp->blogs->table_name_blogmeta} bm_name ON (b.blog_id = bm_name.blog_id) LEFT JOIN {$bp->blogs->table_name_blogmeta} bm_description ON (b.blog_id = bm_description.blog_id) LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs wb ON (b.blog_id = wb.blog_id) LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->users} u ON (b.user_id = u.ID) WHERE wb.archived = '0' AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.mature = 0 AND wb.deleted = 0 {$hidden_sql} AND bm.meta_key = 'last_activity' AND bm_name.meta_key = 'name' AND bm_description.meta_key = 'description' {$search_terms_sql} {$user_sql} {$include_sql} GROUP BY b.blog_id {$order_sql} {$pag_sql} " ); $total_blogs = $wpdb->get_var( " SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT b.blog_id) FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} b LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs wb ON (b.blog_id = wb.blog_id) LEFT JOIN {$bp->blogs->table_name_blogmeta} bm_name ON (b.blog_id = bm_name.blog_id) LEFT JOIN {$bp->blogs->table_name_blogmeta} bm_description ON (b.blog_id = bm_description.blog_id) WHERE wb.archived = '0' AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.mature = 0 AND wb.deleted = 0 {$hidden_sql} AND bm_name.meta_key = 'name' AND bm_description.meta_key = 'description' {$search_terms_sql} {$user_sql} {$include_sql} " ); $blog_ids = array(); foreach ( (array) $paged_blogs as $blog ) { $blog_ids[] = (int) $blog->blog_id; } $paged_blogs = BP_Blogs_Blog::get_blog_extras( $paged_blogs, $blog_ids, $type ); // Integer casting. foreach ( (array) $paged_blogs as $key => $data ) { $paged_blogs[ $key ]->blog_id = (int) $paged_blogs[ $key ]->blog_id; $paged_blogs[ $key ]->admin_user_id = (int) $paged_blogs[ $key ]->admin_user_id; } if ( $update_meta_cache ) { bp_blogs_update_meta_cache( $blog_ids ); } return array( 'blogs' => $paged_blogs, 'total' => $total_blogs ); } /** * Delete the record of a given blog for all users. * * @param int $blog_id The blog being removed from all users. * @return int|bool Number of rows deleted on success, false on failure. */ public static function delete_blog_for_all( $blog_id ) { global $wpdb; bp_blogs_delete_blogmeta( $blog_id ); $bp = buddypress(); return $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} WHERE blog_id = %d", $blog_id ) ); } /** * Delete the record of a given blog for a specific user. * * @param int $blog_id The blog being removed. * @param int|null $user_id Optional. The ID of the user from whom the blog is * being removed. If absent, defaults to the logged-in user ID. * @return int|bool Number of rows deleted on success, false on failure. */ public static function delete_blog_for_user( $blog_id, $user_id = null ) { global $wpdb; if ( !$user_id ) $user_id = bp_loggedin_user_id(); $bp = buddypress(); return $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} WHERE user_id = %d AND blog_id = %d", $user_id, $blog_id ) ); } /** * Delete all of a user's blog associations in the BP tables. * * @param int|null $user_id Optional. The ID of the user whose blog associations * are being deleted. If absent, defaults to logged-in user ID. * @return int|bool Number of rows deleted on success, false on failure. */ public static function delete_blogs_for_user( $user_id = null ) { global $wpdb; if ( !$user_id ) $user_id = bp_loggedin_user_id(); $bp = buddypress(); return $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} WHERE user_id = %d", $user_id ) ); } /** * Get all of a user's blogs, as tracked by BuddyPress. * * Note that this is different from the WordPress function * {@link get_blogs_of_user()}; the current method returns only those * blogs that have been recorded by BuddyPress, while the WP function * does a true query of a user's blog capabilities. * * @param int $user_id Optional. ID of the user whose blogs are being * queried. Defaults to logged-in user. * @param bool $show_hidden Optional. Whether to include blogs that are not marked * public. Defaults to true when viewing one's own profile. * @return array Multidimensional results array, structured as follows: * 'blogs' - Array of located blog objects. * 'total' - A count of the total blogs for the user. */ public static function get_blogs_for_user( $user_id = 0, $show_hidden = false ) { global $wpdb; $bp = buddypress(); if ( !$user_id ) $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id(); // Show logged in users their hidden blogs. if ( !bp_is_my_profile() && !$show_hidden ) $blogs = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT b.blog_id, b.id, bm1.meta_value as name, wb.domain, wb.path FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} b, {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs wb, {$bp->blogs->table_name_blogmeta} bm1 WHERE b.blog_id = wb.blog_id AND b.blog_id = bm1.blog_id AND bm1.meta_key = 'name' AND wb.public = 1 AND wb.deleted = 0 AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.mature = 0 AND wb.archived = '0' AND b.user_id = %d ORDER BY b.blog_id", $user_id ) ); else $blogs = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT b.blog_id, b.id, bm1.meta_value as name, wb.domain, wb.path FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} b, {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs wb, {$bp->blogs->table_name_blogmeta} bm1 WHERE b.blog_id = wb.blog_id AND b.blog_id = bm1.blog_id AND bm1.meta_key = 'name' AND wb.deleted = 0 AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.mature = 0 AND wb.archived = '0' AND b.user_id = %d ORDER BY b.blog_id", $user_id ) ); $total_blog_count = BP_Blogs_Blog::total_blog_count_for_user( $user_id ); $user_blogs = array(); foreach ( (array) $blogs as $blog ) { $user_blogs[$blog->blog_id] = new stdClass; $user_blogs[$blog->blog_id]->id = (int) $blog->id; $user_blogs[$blog->blog_id]->blog_id = (int) $blog->blog_id; $user_blogs[$blog->blog_id]->siteurl = ( is_ssl() ) ? 'https://' . $blog->domain . $blog->path : 'http://' . $blog->domain . $blog->path; $user_blogs[$blog->blog_id]->name = $blog->name; } return array( 'blogs' => $user_blogs, 'count' => $total_blog_count ); } /** * Get IDs of all of a user's blogs, as tracked by BuddyPress. * * This method always includes hidden blogs. * * @param int $user_id Optional. ID of the user whose blogs are being * queried. Defaults to logged-in user. * @return int The number of blogs associated with the user. */ public static function get_blog_ids_for_user( $user_id = 0 ) { global $wpdb; $bp = buddypress(); if ( !$user_id ) $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id(); return array_map( 'intval', $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT blog_id FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} WHERE user_id = %d", $user_id ) ) ); } /** * Check whether a blog has been recorded by BuddyPress. * * @param int $blog_id ID of the blog being queried. * @return int|null The ID of the first located entry in the BP table * on success, otherwise null. */ public static function is_recorded( $blog_id ) { global $wpdb; $bp = buddypress(); $query = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT id FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} WHERE blog_id = %d", $blog_id ) ); return is_numeric( $query ) ? (int) $query : $query; } /** * Return a count of associated blogs for a given user. * * Includes hidden blogs when the logged-in user is the same as the * $user_id parameter, or when the logged-in user has the bp_moderate * cap. * * @param int|null $user_id Optional. ID of the user whose blogs are being * queried. Defaults to logged-in user. * @return int Blog count for the user. */ public static function total_blog_count_for_user( $user_id = null ) { global $wpdb; $bp = buddypress(); if ( !$user_id ) $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id(); // If the user is logged in return the blog count including their hidden blogs. if ( ( is_user_logged_in() && $user_id == bp_loggedin_user_id() ) || bp_current_user_can( 'bp_moderate' ) ) { return $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT b.blog_id) FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} b LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs wb ON b.blog_id = wb.blog_id WHERE wb.deleted = 0 AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.mature = 0 AND wb.archived = '0' AND user_id = %d", $user_id ) ); } else { return $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT b.blog_id) FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} b LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs wb ON b.blog_id = wb.blog_id WHERE wb.public = 1 AND wb.deleted = 0 AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.mature = 0 AND wb.archived = '0' AND user_id = %d", $user_id ) ); } } /** * Return a list of blogs matching a search term. * * Matches against blog names and descriptions, as stored in the BP * blogmeta table. * * @param string $filter The search term. * @param int|null $limit Optional. The maximum number of items to return. * Default: null (no limit). * @param int|null $page Optional. The page of results to return. Default: * null (no limit). * @return array Multidimensional results array, structured as follows: * 'blogs' - Array of located blog objects. * 'total' - A count of the total blogs matching the query. */ public static function search_blogs( $filter, $limit = null, $page = null ) { global $wpdb; $search_terms_like = '%' . bp_esc_like( $filter ) . '%'; $search_terms_sql = $wpdb->prepare( 'bm.meta_value LIKE %s', $search_terms_like ); $hidden_sql = ''; if ( !bp_current_user_can( 'bp_moderate' ) ) $hidden_sql = "AND wb.public = 1"; $pag_sql = ''; if ( $limit && $page ) { $pag_sql = $wpdb->prepare( " LIMIT %d, %d", intval( ( $page - 1 ) * $limit), intval( $limit ) ); } $bp = buddypress(); $paged_blogs = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT DISTINCT bm.blog_id FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name_blogmeta} bm LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs wb ON bm.blog_id = wb.blog_id WHERE ( ( bm.meta_key = 'name' OR bm.meta_key = 'description' ) AND {$search_terms_sql} ) {$hidden_sql} AND wb.mature = 0 AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.archived = '0' AND wb.deleted = 0 ORDER BY meta_value ASC{$pag_sql}" ); $total_blogs = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT bm.blog_id) FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name_blogmeta} bm LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs wb ON bm.blog_id = wb.blog_id WHERE ( ( bm.meta_key = 'name' OR bm.meta_key = 'description' ) AND {$search_terms_sql} ) {$hidden_sql} AND wb.mature = 0 AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.archived = '0' AND wb.deleted = 0 ORDER BY meta_value ASC" ); // Integer casting. foreach ( (array) $paged_blogs as $key => $data ) { $paged_blogs[ $key ]->blog_id = (int) $paged_blogs[ $key ]->blog_id; } return array( 'blogs' => $paged_blogs, 'total' => (int) $total_blogs ); } /** * Retrieve a list of all blogs. * * Query will include hidden blogs if the logged-in user has the * 'bp_moderate' cap. * * @param int|null $limit Optional. The maximum number of items to return. * Default: null (no limit). * @param int|null $page Optional. The page of results to return. Default: * null (no limit). * @return array Multidimensional results array, structured as follows: * 'blogs' - Array of located blog objects. * 'total' - A count of the total blogs. */ public static function get_all( $limit = null, $page = null ) { global $wpdb; $bp = buddypress(); $hidden_sql = !bp_current_user_can( 'bp_moderate' ) ? "AND wb.public = 1" : ''; $pag_sql = ( $limit && $page ) ? $wpdb->prepare( " LIMIT %d, %d", intval( ( $page - 1 ) * $limit), intval( $limit ) ) : ''; $paged_blogs = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT DISTINCT b.blog_id FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} b LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs wb ON b.blog_id = wb.blog_id WHERE wb.mature = 0 AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.archived = '0' AND wb.deleted = 0 {$hidden_sql} {$pag_sql}" ); $total_blogs = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT b.blog_id) FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} b LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs wb ON b.blog_id = wb.blog_id WHERE wb.mature = 0 AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.archived = '0' AND wb.deleted = 0 {$hidden_sql}" ); // Integer casting. foreach ( (array) $paged_blogs as $key => $data ) { $paged_blogs[ $key ]->blog_id = (int) $paged_blogs[ $key ]->blog_id; } return array( 'blogs' => $paged_blogs, 'total' => (int) $total_blogs ); } /** * Retrieve a list of blogs whose names start with a given letter. * * Query will include hidden blogs if the logged-in user has the * 'bp_moderate' cap. * * @param string $letter The letter you're looking for. * @param int|null $limit Optional. The maximum number of items to return. * Default: null (no limit). * @param int|null $page Optional. The page of results to return. Default: * null (no limit). * @return array Multidimensional results array, structured as follows: * 'blogs' - Array of located blog objects. * 'total' - A count of the total blogs matching the query. */ public static function get_by_letter( $letter, $limit = null, $page = null ) { global $wpdb; $bp = buddypress(); $letter_like = '%' . bp_esc_like( $letter ) . '%'; $letter_sql = $wpdb->prepare( 'bm.meta_value LIKE %s', $letter_like ); $hidden_sql = ''; if ( !bp_current_user_can( 'bp_moderate' ) ) $hidden_sql = "AND wb.public = 1"; $pag_sql = ''; if ( $limit && $page ) $pag_sql = $wpdb->prepare( " LIMIT %d, %d", intval( ( $page - 1 ) * $limit), intval( $limit ) ); $paged_blogs = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT DISTINCT bm.blog_id FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name_blogmeta} bm LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs wb ON bm.blog_id = wb.blog_id WHERE bm.meta_key = 'name' AND {$letter_sql} {$hidden_sql} AND wb.mature = 0 AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.archived = '0' AND wb.deleted = 0 ORDER BY bm.meta_value ASC{$pag_sql}" ); $total_blogs = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT bm.blog_id) FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name_blogmeta} bm LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs wb ON bm.blog_id = wb.blog_id WHERE bm.meta_key = 'name' AND {$letter_sql} {$hidden_sql} AND wb.mature = 0 AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.archived = '0' AND wb.deleted = 0 ORDER BY bm.meta_value ASC" ); // Integer casting. foreach ( (array) $paged_blogs as $key => $data ) { $paged_blogs[ $key ]->blog_id = (int) $paged_blogs[ $key ]->blog_id; } return array( 'blogs' => $paged_blogs, 'total' => (int) $total_blogs ); } /** * Fetch blog data not caught in the main query and append it to results array. * * Gets the following information, which is either unavailable at the * time of the original query, or is more efficient to look up in one * fell swoop: * - The latest post for each blog, include Featured Image data * - The blog description * * @param array $paged_blogs Array of results from the original query. * @param array $blog_ids Array of IDs returned from the original query. * @param string|bool $type Not currently used. Default: false. * @return array $paged_blogs The located blogs array, with the extras added. */ public static function get_blog_extras( &$paged_blogs, &$blog_ids, $type = false ) { global $wpdb; $bp = buddypress(); if ( empty( $blog_ids ) ) return $paged_blogs; $blog_ids = implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $blog_ids ) ); for ( $i = 0, $count = count( $paged_blogs ); $i < $count; ++$i ) { $blog_prefix = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $paged_blogs[$i]->blog_id ); $paged_blogs[$i]->latest_post = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT ID, post_content, post_title, post_excerpt, guid FROM {$blog_prefix}posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post' AND id != 1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1" ); $images = array(); // Add URLs to any Featured Image this post might have. if ( ! empty( $paged_blogs[$i]->latest_post ) && has_post_thumbnail( $paged_blogs[$i]->latest_post->ID ) ) { // Grab 4 sizes of the image. Thumbnail. $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $paged_blogs[$i]->latest_post->ID ), 'thumbnail', false ); if ( ! empty( $image ) ) $images['thumbnail'] = $image[0]; // Medium. $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $paged_blogs[$i]->latest_post->ID ), 'medium', false ); if ( ! empty( $image ) ) $images['medium'] = $image[0]; // Large. $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $paged_blogs[$i]->latest_post->ID ), 'large', false ); if ( ! empty( $image ) ) $images['large'] = $image[0]; // Post thumbnail. $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $paged_blogs[$i]->latest_post->ID ), 'post-thumbnail', false ); if ( ! empty( $image ) ) $images['post-thumbnail'] = $image[0]; // Add the images to the latest_post object. $paged_blogs[$i]->latest_post->images = $images; } } /* Fetch the blog description for each blog (as it may be empty we can't fetch it in the main query). */ $blog_descs = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT blog_id, meta_value as description FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name_blogmeta} WHERE meta_key = 'description' AND blog_id IN ( {$blog_ids} )" ); for ( $i = 0, $count = count( $paged_blogs ); $i < $count; ++$i ) { foreach ( (array) $blog_descs as $desc ) { if ( $desc->blog_id == $paged_blogs[$i]->blog_id ) $paged_blogs[$i]->description = $desc->description; } } return $paged_blogs; } /** * Check whether a given blog is hidden. * * Checks the 'public' column in the wp_blogs table. * * @param int $blog_id The ID of the blog being checked. * @return bool True if hidden (public = 0), false otherwise. */ public static function is_hidden( $blog_id ) { global $wpdb; if ( !(int) $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT public FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs WHERE blog_id = %d", $blog_id ) ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get ID of user-blog link. * * @param int $user_id ID of user. * @param int $blog_id ID of blog. * @return int|bool ID of user-blog link, or false if not found. */ public static function get_user_blog( $user_id, $blog_id ) { global $wpdb; $bp = buddypress(); $user_blog = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT id FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} WHERE user_id = %d AND blog_id = %d", $user_id, $blog_id ) ); if ( empty( $user_blog ) ) { $user_blog = false; } else { $user_blog = intval( $user_blog ); } return $user_blog; } }
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
1.0.0 | Introduced. |
Methods Methods
- __construct — Constructor method.
- delete_blog_for_all — Delete the record of a given blog for all users.
- delete_blog_for_user — Delete the record of a given blog for a specific user.
- delete_blogs_for_user — Delete all of a user's blog associations in the BP tables.
- exists — Check whether an association between this user and this blog exists.
- get — Retrieve a set of blog-user associations.
- get_all — Retrieve a list of all blogs.
- get_blog_extras — Fetch blog data not caught in the main query and append it to results array.
- get_blog_ids_for_user — Get IDs of all of a user's blogs, as tracked by BuddyPress.
- get_blogs_for_user — Get all of a user's blogs, as tracked by BuddyPress.
- get_by_letter — Retrieve a list of blogs whose names start with a given letter.
- get_user_blog — Get ID of user-blog link.
- is_hidden — Check whether a given blog is hidden.
- is_recorded — Check whether a blog has been recorded by BuddyPress.
- populate — Populate the object with data about the specific activity item.
- save — Save the BP blog data to the database.
- search_blogs — Return a list of blogs matching a search term.
- total_blog_count_for_user — Return a count of associated blogs for a given user.