Sets various HTTP headers related to Content-Type and browser caching.
Description Description
Most of this class method is derived from WP::send_headers().
Source Source
File: bp-activity/classes/class-bp-activity-feed.php
protected function http_headers() { // Set up some additional headers if not on a directory page // this is done b/c BP uses pseudo-pages. if ( ! bp_is_directory() ) { global $wp_query; $wp_query->is_404 = false; status_header( 200 ); } // Set content-type. @header( 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ), true ); send_nosniff_header(); // Cache-related variables. $last_modified = mysql2date( 'D, d M Y H:i:s O', bp_activity_get_last_updated(), false ); $modified_timestamp = strtotime( $last_modified ); $etag = md5( $last_modified ); // Set cache-related headers. @header( 'Last-Modified: ' . $last_modified ); @header( 'Pragma: no-cache' ); @header( 'ETag: ' . '"' . $etag . '"' ); // First commit of BuddyPress! (Easter egg). @header( 'Expires: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 17:13:55 GMT'); // Get ETag from supported user agents. if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] ) ) { $client_etag = wp_unslash( $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] ); // Remove quotes from ETag. $client_etag = trim( $client_etag, '"' ); // Strip suffixes from ETag if they exist (eg. "-gzip"). $etag_suffix_pos = strpos( $client_etag, '-' ); if ( ! empty( $etag_suffix_pos ) ) { $client_etag = substr( $client_etag, 0, $etag_suffix_pos ); } // No ETag found. } else { $client_etag = false; } // Get client last modified timestamp from supported user agents. $client_last_modified = empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] ) ? '' : trim( $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] ); $client_modified_timestamp = $client_last_modified ? strtotime( $client_last_modified ) : 0; // Set 304 status if feed hasn't been updated since last fetch. if ( ( $client_last_modified && $client_etag ) ? ( ( $client_modified_timestamp >= $modified_timestamp ) && ( $client_etag == $etag ) ) : ( ( $client_modified_timestamp >= $modified_timestamp ) || ( $client_etag == $etag ) ) ) { $status = 304; } else { $status = false; } // If feed hasn't changed as reported by the user agent, set 304 status header. if ( ! empty( $status ) ) { status_header( $status ); // Cached response, so stop now! if ( $status == 304 ) { exit(); } } }
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
1.9.0 | Introduced. |