Contains the logic for completing onboarding tasks.
Description Description
Source Source
File: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/Features/OnboardingTasks.php
Methods Methods
- __construct — Constructor
- add_completion_note — Add the task list completion note after completing all tasks.
- add_media_scripts — Enqueue scripts and styles.
- add_onboarding_homepage_notice_admin_script — Hooks into the post page to display a different success notice and sets the active page as the site's home page if visted from onboarding.
- add_onboarding_product_import_notice_admin_script — Adds a notice to return to the task list when the product importeris done running.
- add_onboarding_product_notice_admin_script — Hooks into the product page to add a notice to return to the task list if a product was added.
- add_onboarding_tax_notice_admin_script — Adds a notice to return to the task list when the save button is clicked on tax settings pages.
- check_task_completion — Check for task completion of a given task.
- component_settings — Add task items to component settings.
- get_active_task — Get the name of the active task.
- get_automated_tax_supported_countries — Get an array of countries that support automated tax.
- get_instance — Get class instance.
- get_settings — Get task item data for settings filter.
- get_stripe_supported_countries — Returns a list of Stripe supported countries. This method can be removed once merged to core.
- is_active_task_complete — Check for active task completion, and clears the transient.
- ppcp_ob_after_onboarding_redirect_url — Sets the URL users are redirected to after PayPal Payments has received onboarding information from PayPal.
- set_active_task — Temporarily store the active task to persist across page loads when neccessary (such as publishing a product). Most tasks do not need to do this.
- track_completion — Records an event when all tasks are completed in the task list.
- track_extended_completion — Records an event when all tasks are completed in the extended task list.
- track_task_completion — Records an event for individual task completion.
- update_option_extended_task_list — Update registered extended task list items.