Class AutoloadGenerator.
Description Description
Source Source
File: vendor/automattic/jetpack-autoloader/src/AutoloadGenerator.php
Methods Methods
- __construct — Instantiate an AutoloadGenerator object.
- dump — Dump the Jetpack autoloader files.
- getAutoloadClassmapPackagesFile — Generate the PHP that will be used in the autoload_classmap_package.php files.
- getAutoloadFilesPackagesFile — Generate the PHP that will be used in the autoload_files_package.php files.
- getAutoloadPackageFile — Generate the PHP that will be used in the autoload_packages.php files.
- getClassMap — Take the autoloads array and return the classMap that contains the path and the version for each namespace.
- getFileIdentifier — Returns the file identifier.
- getFileMap — Take the autoloads array and return the fileMap that contains the path and the version for each namespace.
- getPathCode — Returns the path code for the given path.
- parseAutoloads — Compiles an ordered list of namespace => path mappings
- parseAutoloadsType — This function differs from the composer parseAutoloadsType in that beside returning the path.
- processAutoloads — Given Composer's autoloads this will convert them to a version that we can use to generate the manifests.
- removeLegacyFiles — Removes all of the legacy autoloader files so they don't cause any problems.
- sortPackageMap — Sorts packages by dependency weight
- writeAutoloaderFiles — Writes all of the autoloader files to disk.
- writeManifests — Writes all of the manifest files to disk.