Description Description
A wrapper around multiple stores that fetches data from both.
Source Source
File: packages/action-scheduler/classes/data-stores/ActionScheduler_HybridStore.php
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
3.0.0 | Introduced. |
Methods Methods
- __construct — ActionScheduler_HybridStore constructor.
- action_counts — Get a count of all actions in the store, grouped by status
- cancel_action — Cancel an existing action whether migrated or not.
- delete_action — Delete an existing action whether migrated or not.
- fetch_action — Retrieve an existing action whether migrated or not.
- find_action — Find the first matching action from the secondary store.
- find_actions_by_claim_id — Retrieve a list of action IDs by claim.
- get_claim_count — Get the claim count from the table data store.
- get_claim_id — Retrieve the claim ID for an action from the table data store.
- get_date — Get the schedule date an existing action whether migrated or not.
- get_status — Get an existing action status whether migrated or not.
- get_store_from_action_id — Return which store an action is stored in.
- init — Initialize the table data store tables.
- log_execution — Log the execution of an existing action whether migrated or not.
- mark_complete — Mark an existing action complete whether migrated or not.
- mark_failure — Mark an existing action as failed whether migrated or not.
- migrate — Migrate a list of actions to the table data store.
- query_actions — Find actions matching the query in the secondary source first.
- release_claim — Release a claim in the table data store.
- save_action — Save an action to the primary store.
- set_autoincrement — When the actions table is created, set its autoincrement value to be one higher than the posts table to ensure that there are no ID collisions.
- set_demarkation_id — Store the demarkation id in WP options.
- stake_claim — If any actions would have been claimed by the secondary store, migrate them immediately, then ask the primary store for the canonical claim.
- unclaim_action — Release claims on an action in the table data store.