Class ActionScheduler
Description Description
Source Source
File: packages/action-scheduler/classes/abstracts/ActionScheduler.php
Methods Methods
- __clone
- __construct
- __wakeup
- admin_view
- autoload
- check_shutdown_hook — Issue deprecated warning if an Action Scheduler function is called in the shutdown hook. — deprecated
- factory
- get_datetime_object — Deprecated *
- init — Initialize the plugin
- is_class_abstract — Determine if the class is one of our abstract classes.
- is_class_cli — Determine if the class is one of our WP CLI classes.
- is_class_migration — Determine if the class is one of our migration classes.
- is_initialized — Check whether the AS data store has been initialized.
- lock
- logger
- plugin_path — Get the absolute system path to the plugin directory, or a file therein
- plugin_url — Get the absolute URL to the plugin directory, or a file therein
- runner
- store