Abstract_WC_Order_Data_Store_CPT::get_post_status( WC_order $order )

Get the status to save to the post object.

Description Description

Plugins extending the order classes can override this to change the stored status/add prefixes etc.

Parameters Parameters


(Required) Order object.

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Return Return


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Source Source

File: includes/data-stores/abstract-wc-order-data-store-cpt.php

	protected function get_post_status( $order ) {
		$order_status = $order->get_status( 'edit' );

		if ( ! $order_status ) {
			$order_status = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_default_order_status', 'pending' );

		$post_status    = $order_status;
		$valid_statuses = get_post_stati();

		// Add a wc- prefix to the status, but exclude some core statuses which should not be prefixed.
		// @todo In the future this should only happen based on `wc_is_order_status`, but in order to
		// preserve back-compatibility this happens to all statuses except a select few. A doing_it_wrong
		// Notice will be needed here, followed by future removal.
		if ( ! in_array( $post_status, array( 'auto-draft', 'draft', 'trash' ), true ) && in_array( 'wc-' . $post_status, $valid_statuses, true ) ) {
			$post_status = 'wc-' . $post_status;

		return $post_status;

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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
3.6.0 Introduced.

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