
Creates the Core component.

Description Description

Source Source

File: bp-core/classes/class-bp-core.php

class BP_Core extends BP_Component {

	 * Start the members component creation process.
	 * @since 1.5.0
	public function __construct() {
			__( 'BuddyPress Core', 'buddypress' ),


	 * Populate the global data needed before BuddyPress can continue.
	 * This involves figuring out the currently required, activated, deactivated,
	 * and optional components.
	 * @since 1.5.0
	private function bootstrap() {
		$bp = buddypress();

		 * Fires before the loading of individual components and after BuddyPress Core.
		 * Allows plugins to run code ahead of the other components.
		 * @since 1.2.0
		do_action( 'bp_core_loaded' );

		/** Components *******************************************************

		 * Filters the included and optional components.
		 * @since 1.5.0
		 * @param array $value Array of included and optional components.
		$bp->optional_components = apply_filters( 'bp_optional_components', array( 'activity', 'blogs', 'friends', 'groups', 'messages', 'notifications', 'settings', 'xprofile' ) );

		 * Filters the required components.
		 * @since 1.5.0
		 * @param array $value Array of required components.
		$bp->required_components = apply_filters( 'bp_required_components', array( 'members' ) );

		// Get a list of activated components.
		if ( $active_components = bp_get_option( 'bp-active-components' ) ) {

			/** This filter is documented in bp-core/admin/bp-core-admin-components.php */
			$bp->active_components      = apply_filters( 'bp_active_components', $active_components );

			 * Filters the deactivated components.
			 * @since 1.0.0
			 * @param array $value Array of deactivated components.
			$bp->deactivated_components = apply_filters( 'bp_deactivated_components', array_values( array_diff( array_values( array_merge( $bp->optional_components, $bp->required_components ) ), array_keys( $bp->active_components ) ) ) );

		// Pre 1.5 Backwards compatibility.
		} elseif ( $deactivated_components = bp_get_option( 'bp-deactivated-components' ) ) {

			// Trim off namespace and filename.
			foreach ( array_keys( (array) $deactivated_components ) as $component ) {
				$trimmed[] = str_replace( '.php', '', str_replace( 'bp-', '', $component ) );

			/** This filter is documented in bp-core/bp-core-loader.php */
			$bp->deactivated_components = apply_filters( 'bp_deactivated_components', $trimmed );

			// Setup the active components.
			$active_components     = array_fill_keys( array_diff( array_values( array_merge( $bp->optional_components, $bp->required_components ) ), array_values( $bp->deactivated_components ) ), '1' );

			/** This filter is documented in bp-core/admin/bp-core-admin-components.php */
			$bp->active_components = apply_filters( 'bp_active_components', $bp->active_components );

		// Default to all components active.
		} else {

			// Set globals.
			$bp->deactivated_components = array();

			// Setup the active components.
			$active_components     = array_fill_keys( array_values( array_merge( $bp->optional_components, $bp->required_components ) ), '1' );

			/** This filter is documented in bp-core/admin/bp-core-admin-components.php */
			$bp->active_components = apply_filters( 'bp_active_components', $bp->active_components );

		// Loop through optional components.
		foreach( $bp->optional_components as $component ) {
			if ( bp_is_active( $component ) && file_exists( $bp->plugin_dir . '/bp-' . $component . '/bp-' . $component . '-loader.php' ) ) {
				include( $bp->plugin_dir . '/bp-' . $component . '/bp-' . $component . '-loader.php' );

		// Loop through required components.
		foreach( $bp->required_components as $component ) {
			if ( file_exists( $bp->plugin_dir . '/bp-' . $component . '/bp-' . $component . '-loader.php' ) ) {
				include( $bp->plugin_dir . '/bp-' . $component . '/bp-' . $component . '-loader.php' );

		// Add Core to required components.
		$bp->required_components[] = 'core';

		 * Fires after the loading of individual components.
		 * @since 2.0.0
		do_action( 'bp_core_components_included' );

	 * Include bp-core files.
	 * @since 1.6.0
	 * @see BP_Component::includes() for description of parameters.
	 * @param array $includes See {@link BP_Component::includes()}.
	public function includes( $includes = array() ) {

		if ( ! is_admin() ) {

		$includes = array(

		parent::includes( $includes );

	 * Set up bp-core global settings.
	 * Sets up a majority of the BuddyPress globals that require a minimal
	 * amount of processing, meaning they cannot be set in the BuddyPress class.
	 * @since 1.5.0
	 * @see BP_Component::setup_globals() for description of parameters.
	 * @param array $args See {@link BP_Component::setup_globals()}.
	public function setup_globals( $args = array() ) {
		$bp = buddypress();

		/** Database *********************************************************

		// Get the base database prefix.
		if ( empty( $bp->table_prefix ) ) {
			$bp->table_prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();

		// The domain for the root of the site where the main blog resides.
		if ( empty( $bp->root_domain ) ) {
			$bp->root_domain = bp_core_get_root_domain();

		// Fetches all of the core BuddyPress settings in one fell swoop.
		if ( empty( $bp->site_options ) ) {
			$bp->site_options = bp_core_get_root_options();

		// The names of the core WordPress pages used to display BuddyPress content.
		if ( empty( $bp->pages ) ) {
			$bp->pages = bp_core_get_directory_pages();

		/** Basic current user data ******************************************

		// Logged in user is the 'current_user'.
		$current_user            = wp_get_current_user();

		// The user ID of the user who is currently logged in.
		$bp->loggedin_user       = new stdClass;
		$bp->loggedin_user->id   = isset( $current_user->ID ) ? $current_user->ID : 0;

		/** Avatars **********************************************************

		// Fetches the default Gravatar image to use if the user/group/blog has no avatar or gravatar.
		$bp->grav_default        = new stdClass;

		 * Filters the default user Gravatar.
		 * @since 1.1.0
		 * @param string $value Default user Gravatar.
		$bp->grav_default->user  = apply_filters( 'bp_user_gravatar_default',  $bp->site_options['avatar_default'] );

		 * Filters the default group Gravatar.
		 * @since 1.1.0
		 * @param string $value Default group Gravatar.
		$bp->grav_default->group = apply_filters( 'bp_group_gravatar_default', $bp->grav_default->user );

		 * Filters the default blog Gravatar.
		 * @since 1.1.0
		 * @param string $value Default blog Gravatar.
		$bp->grav_default->blog  = apply_filters( 'bp_blog_gravatar_default',  $bp->grav_default->user );

		// Notifications table. Included here for legacy purposes. Use
		// bp-notifications instead.
		$bp->core->table_name_notifications = $bp->table_prefix . 'bp_notifications';

		// Backward compatibility for plugins modifying the legacy bp_nav and bp_options_nav global properties.
		$bp->bp_nav         = new BP_Core_BP_Nav_BackCompat();
		$bp->bp_options_nav = new BP_Core_BP_Options_Nav_BackCompat();

		 * Used to determine if user has admin rights on current content. If the
		 * logged in user is viewing their own profile and wants to delete
		 * something, is_item_admin is used. This is a generic variable so it
		 * can be used by other components. It can also be modified, so when
		 * viewing a group 'is_item_admin' would be 'true' if they are a group
		 * admin, and 'false' if they are not.
		bp_update_is_item_admin( bp_user_has_access(), 'core' );

		// Is the logged in user is a mod for the current item?
		bp_update_is_item_mod( false,                  'core' );

		 * Fires at the end of the setup of bp-core globals setting.
		 * @since 1.1.0
		do_action( 'bp_core_setup_globals' );

	 * Setup cache groups
	 * @since 2.2.0
	public function setup_cache_groups() {

		// Global groups.
		wp_cache_add_global_groups( array(
		) );


	 * Set up post types.
	 * @since BuddyPress (2.4.0)
	public function register_post_types() {

		// Emails
		if ( bp_is_root_blog() && ! is_network_admin() ) {
				apply_filters( 'bp_register_email_post_type', array(
					'description'       => _x( 'BuddyPress emails', 'email post type description', 'buddypress' ),
					'capabilities'      => array(
						'edit_posts'          => 'bp_moderate',
						'edit_others_posts'   => 'bp_moderate',
						'publish_posts'       => 'bp_moderate',
						'read_private_posts'  => 'bp_moderate',
						'delete_posts'        => 'bp_moderate',
						'delete_others_posts' => 'bp_moderate',
					'map_meta_cap'      => true,
					'labels'            => bp_get_email_post_type_labels(),
					'menu_icon'         => 'dashicons-email',
					'public'            => false,
					'publicly_queryable' => bp_current_user_can( 'bp_moderate' ),
					'query_var'         => false,
					'rewrite'           => false,
					'show_in_admin_bar' => false,
					'show_ui'           => bp_current_user_can( 'bp_moderate' ),
					'supports'          => bp_get_email_post_type_supports(),
				) )


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Version Description
1.5.0 Introduced.

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Methods Methods

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