Description Description
Source Source
File: libraries/lifterlms-rest/includes/abstracts/class-llms-rest-users-controller.php
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
1.0.0-beta.7 | Added check_read_object_permissions() method override. |
1.0.0-beta.14 | Only add remapped keys to the response when the schema key is present in the expected response fields array. |
1.0.0-beta.12 | Add search and search_columns collection filtering. |
1.0.0-beta.11 | Correctly map request's billing_postcode param to billing_zip meta. |
1.0.0-beta.10 | Fixed setting roles instead of appending them when updating user. |
1.0.0-beta.1 | Introduced. |
Methods Methods
- check_read_object_permissions — Determine if the current user can view the object
- check_roles_permissions — Determine if the current user has permissions to manage the role(s) present in a request
- create_object — Insert the prepared data into the database
- delete_object — Delete the object
- get_collection_params — Retrieves the query params for the objects collection
- get_delete_item_args — Retrieve arguments for deleting a resource
- get_enum_roles — Retrieve an array of allowed user role values
- get_item_schema — Get the item schema
- get_objects_from_query — Retrieve an array of objects from the result of `$this->get_objects_query()`
- get_objects_query — Retrieve a query object based on arguments from a `get_items()` (collection) request
- get_pagination_data_from_query — Retrieve pagination information from an objects query
- map_schema_to_database — Map request keys to database keys for insertion
- prepare_item_for_database — Prepare request arguments for a database insert/update
- prepare_object_for_response — Prepare an object for response
- sanitize_password — Validate a username is valid and allowed
- sanitize_username — Validate a username is valid and allowed
- update_additional_data — Updates additional information not handled by WP Core insert/update user functions
- update_item — Update item
- update_object — Update the object in the database with prepared data